Navy boy

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His eyes...

His lips....

Well i am a 5'5 , 18 year old in her second year of college curvy young business lady that is a poli-sci major at Harvard law and i am a avid debater in my spear time i travel to see my family in New York i take my private jet to get there faster since it is so close.I am always in the airport at least two or three hours early because i love to just sit there and feel normal for a little while. Usually i don't get dressed up most times i just wear my silk sleeping shorts and a tang top my cardigan and my fluffy slippers and leave . But this weekend it was Christmas weekend and my family and i were planning to meet up in Milan, Italy at our vacation house so we can have some family time because i haven't seen them in weeks , I was wearing my Dolce & Gabbana red short a-line dress and my louboutin Mary Jane pumps with little to no makeup on because it makes me break out as for hair i am not one for a lot of heat so my curly back length hair was out and pined on one side. In the airport i usually lay low but for what i was wearing today i was standing out like a big red sore thumb but i really didn't mind. i took a seat next to my gate way waiting for my pilot and i really was the only one there because i was the only one that boarded the plane so i just sat there for about twenty minutes with my headphones on people watching when i got a text from my best friend telling me about her being free because her parents forgot to tell her to make plans with out them.... when i felt the seat next to me become filled and this would be normal for most people but i now that there are a million other seats to sit in. so i look up to see a pair of the most amazing blue-green eyes paired with a dimpled smile and that's when took out my headphones that were blasting random music that i couldnt hear at this point.

"Hello" he said

"Hi" I said trying to be nonchalant

"My name is Benjamin Carter you can call me Ben" he said in a friendly voice

"My name is Catherine Smith you can call me Cat" I said hoping it was cute

"Did it hurt" Ben asked

"What" I asked honestly confused

"When you fell from heaven cause your and angel" Ben said matter-a-factly.

" That was really cheesy ,I like cheesy "

Ben! smiled down at me and his eyes twinkled making me smile I look down at his navy uniform and his duffle bag

I ask "coming or going" he smiled at me,

"Staying" he answered making me smile at him brightly

After what felt like an hour or basically looking in to each others souls my phone dings from a text and we break contact and I frown at the text from my parents telling me they got snowed in at the airport and won't be in Italy for two days.

"Unhappy boyfriend" Ben asks

"No" I give a sarcastic smile while looking at the time .......only have one hour till the pilot gets here

"Everything ok though" Ben looks worried

"Yea .. I am just kicking off my vacation with some me time I guess"

I reassured getting the subject off of me I turn fully to him.

"What are you doing for the holiday's ?"I ask

"My parents are gone and I have no pets and no girlfriend, my only friends are still deployed so I
am basically a nomad" Ben mood shifts when he opens up.

"I am so sorry ................ So you have no plans ......and it's two days before Christmas..... Well I am sorry but that just won't do I am Miss Christmas so how would you like to go with me somewhere and you can teach me how to be a nomad"

Ben looks a little hesitant
When I grab his warm hand I felt a spark in me ....... I wonder if he felt it to

"Please don't think this is charity I am really just being selfish I am alone in a huge house for two or more days by myself in the best place in the world who else to experience that with other than a nomad navy boy" Ben smiles and nods.

Just in time for me to see my pilot Mr. Ash walking towards us waving I get up and he tells me to start coming in five minutes I nod and wav him off.

Ben walks over to me from where we were sitting and I scan him head to toe he is gorgeous his uniform and his eyes almost made my knees go weak

"How am I going to get a ticket so quick" he asked

"No need" I say in my element now

Ben and I walk over to my private gate with our two passports the flight attendant checks them and allows us to pass to go board the plane.

Going down the stairs to the runways made him confused but I grabbed his hand and walked up to see my plane with huge lettering saying CAT'S JET

I knew it all clicked when he said "You own the plane!!!" Extremely loud

I laughed as we entered the plain and I waved at Mr. Ash, I took my seat in my plush seat that was seated around my work table and say down my phone and I mad Ben sit on the other side of me. Before we took off I had already asked the basic questions how old he was ,if he had mental problems or a problem with flying. All questions had exceptional answers that made me happy. When we did take off and Mr. Ash told me we would be taking it slow today cause of the storm I leaned back in my chair and kicked off my shoes.

"You want a drink" I ask

"Yea sure coke please" she smiles

After getting it for him lunch came out for both of us.

"So I have been a chatter box a day you have and thing you want to ask me that isn't cheesy cause you have two weeks to rethink that statement this morning" Ben laughs at my statement

"One" Ben says

I nod in approval

"Where are you taking me" he laughs

"Italy " I say

"Really !!" He gets so excited

"Yea why so happy" I say

"I was born in America and when my uncle took me after my parents died we went to Italy for about eight years to get always from all the grief" I just look at him was amazement

"I am happy we are going maybe since you really know the land you can tell me what's the best of the best in this place since we just got this vacation home I do speak Italian thought"

"Good so do I" Ben is becoming the best Christmas present any one could have ever given me


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