Chapter 43

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I wasn't going to write anymore but I owe it to you guys.

The phone rang. It's shrill call was loud and demanding, despite it being only 7 am. Allison huffed and rolled over in bed. She rubbed her eyes as she cursed whoever thought it would be acceptable to call at this hour. Disturbing her sleeping schedule was the last thing anyone should do. Not now that she had the stress of being the step-mother a the world-famous rock baby, Frances Bean.

Allison brushed her slippers on and trudged to the kitchen where the phone sat. As she walked, she looked around the house. It was terribly quiet. The dark morning shadows were menacing. She hated being alone.

"Hello?" she asked into the receiver, suppressing a yawn.

"Allison Cobain?" a voice said urgently.

"Yes?" Allison played with the wedding band on her ring finger. She began to remember the day of her wedding but forced her mind to remain in the present and address the person on the other side of the line. It seemed he really needed to speak to her.

"This is Chief Morton of the Seattle Police Department. We regret to inform you-" The chief cleared his throat. "inform you of the death of Mr. Kurt Cobain."

She stopped breathing. Time froze. The world stopped spinning. The trees no longer produced oxygen. The universe refused to continue. She replayed those words inside her head. They made no sense. Kurt? Dead?

How? She had just sent him to rehab! Isn't that where he was now? Maybe they've made a mistake. Surely it can't be my Kurt Cobain.

My Kurt Cobain.

It took all of Allison's power to remain calm. She needed to know. "How? When?" She was beginning to sob.

"He was found this morning in the greenhouse of your Seattle home, but we suspect he's been there since April 5th. It was a suicide, Allison."

Allison dropped the phone. The was the only thing she needed to hear.

She went back into the bedroom and buried herself underneath the sheets. The shadows that were menacing just minutes ago were now so inviting. She cried like she never had before. The pain was something she had never felt before. The sobs ripped through her the the force of a herd of elephants. The grief was other-worldly. Kurt was gone.

She would never hear his raspy voice cooing lullabies to Frances when she couldn't sleep. She would never look over and catch his striking azure eyes watching her. She would never follow his mop of blond hair as he crowd surfed, doing the thing he loved most. She would never enjoy a 2 am discussion about anything and everything with him. She would never have the feel of his warm body pressed up against hers as they embraced. Because they would never embrace again. Because Kurt was gone.

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