Chapter Nine

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Kurt glared at the whiteboard that spelled out duets, in big black letters. Of course Mr. Schue couldn't think of anything and had to reuse a lesson from last year. A lesson that again, showed Kurt how truly alone he was. Mr. Schue forgot, again, that there were an odd number of students in the glee club. And they were all partnered up, leaving him alone, again.

Kurt sighed heavily as he pondered what he should do, deciding that talking to Mr. Schue and having him look at him with pity would be worse than going alone. But then an idea struck him, and he walked out of the choir room and dialed his most called contact.

"Hey, Sebastian, would you like to help me with a project?"
"Okay, who wants to go up first?" Mr. Schue asked.

Rachel, of course, raised her hand and dragged Finn up to the front of the room with her. They of sang a heart wrenching romantic duet that Kurt didn't bother listening to. They eventually all sounded the same.

Next came Santana and Brittany, who sang an upbeat number that ended with them making out. And Mr. Schue's face was priceless as he tried to break them up.

Kurt soon ignored the other performances and texted Sebastian, who was growing tired of waiting outside of the choir room.

From Sebastian:
Can I come in now? The stench of public school is starting to get to me. And whoever is singing right now is making my ears bleed.

To Sebastian:
That would be Sugar, the tone deaf member of our group.

From Sebastian:
WTF why did you guys accept her??

To Sebastian:
Because the New Directions welcomes everyone. *eye roll*

From Sebastian:
That does make sense since they did accept the Hobbit.

Kurt snorted, causing Mr. Schue to glance over at him mid-speech and say, "Kurt, since you happen to find this assignment so amusing, why don't you and your partner come up."
Kurt rolled his eyes before texting Sebastian to wait for his signal. He stood at the front of the room, crossed his arms and cocked his hip out.

"Wait, Kurt, who's your partner?" Mercedes asked. That caused Kurt to roll his eyes since this was the first time his supposed "best friend" had been concerned for him this year.

"Since Mr. Schue forgot, again, that there were an odd number of people in the group, I was stuck being alone, again."

"Oh, Kurt," Blaine got up from his seat and walked over to him. "I would happily accompany you on a duet."

And Sebastian took that as his cue to enter. "Actually, Killer, Kurt already chose his duet partner, someone more talented and good-looking than you."

Blaine spluttered while Santana took the opportunity to say, "Damn, Hummel, who's the hottie?"

But before Kurt could answer, Rachel decided to make her presence known. "Wait, he's wearing a Dalton uniform! He's a spy! Kurt, I can't believe you would bring a Warbler to practice!"

Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "Rachel, he isn't here to spy, and even if he was there would be nothing to spy on, considering the fact that we haven't even talked about Regionals. Now, would you both please be quiet and move out of the way, so Sebastian and I can do our duet?"

Kurt whispered the song to the band before moving to stand next to Sebastian. He started off with, "Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!"
Sebastian moved to stand facing Kurt with his hands on his hips. "No you can't!"

Kurt mirrored Sebastian's position and he smiled inwardly at how well this song fit their relationship. "Yes, I can!"

"No, you can't!"

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