Wonders and a new friend

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"Morning Kai!" Miwa smiled as Kai opened the front door. "Hey Miwa" Kai smiled. "Yo! Ready to go?" Miwa asked. "Yep!" Kai smiled showing Miwa his bag. "Bye Mom see you on Friday!" Kai yelled. "Be safe Toshiki!" Kai's mom replied. "I will! Bye dad!" Kai yelled. "Bye Toshiki! Have fun!" Kai's dad replied. Then Kai closed the door and started walking. "I'm so excited!" Miwa smiled. "Same here! Though I'm not happy that I had to wake up earlier." Kai replied. "True I'm tired. Let's sleep on the bus." Miwa yawned. "Good idea. I had to wake up at six." Kai replied. "Same here my mom had to shake me awake." Miwa replied. "I had set an alarm yesterday so I would wake up. Don't you have an alarm clock?" Kai asked. "Come to think of it I do!" Miwa replied. "Why didn't you set an alarm?" Kai asked. "Forgot" Miwa laughed. Kai sighed, "as forgetful as ever" Kai muttered. "You don't have to say it like that!" Miwa complained. "Sorry but it's true" Kai laughed. Miwa looked away either because he was mad or because he was embarrassed. Soon they arrived at school.

"Hey Kai, Miwa!" One kid waved. Kai and Miwa walked over. Around the kid was a few others. "Hey guys!" Miwa smiled. "Hey!" Kai smiled. "Hey why are you guys wearing your school uniforms?" One kid asked. "Just decided to I guess." Miwa replied. "First thing I found." Kai answered. "Excited?" One kid asked. "Of course!" Miwa smiled. "So then we are going to the school and then we will be put into groups and then the middle school kids will join the groups they are assigned to right?" One kid asked. "Pretty sure." Kai answered. "I am so curious on what kind of card fighters will be there!" Miwa smiled. "If there are any" Kai pointed out. "Good point." Miwa replied. "I wonder if there will be any card fighters at your guy's level." One kid stated. "No way Kai and Miwa are really strong" another kid replied. "You never know don't judge by appearances alone" Miwa pointed out. "You've got a point guess we will have to wait and see" Kai stated. "Class the bus has arrived and we have to board!" The teacher announced. "Let's go!" Miwa cheered. "Yeah" Kai smiled. Then they boarded the bus and were on their way.

"Aichi! Time to wake up!" Emi yelled. Then Aichi opened his eyes to see the little bit of sun that came through the window. Then he remebered what day it was. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Aichi yelled. "Emi what time is it?!!!" Aichi asked worried that he was going to be late. "Don't worry it is only six thirty." Emi replied. Then Aichi grabbed his bag and packed his things. He packed clothes and hygiene products. Then Aichi saw the deck of cards on the desk. "Maybe some kids at school will know what this is." Aichi thought then he packed the deck in his bag. Then he slipped on some clothes. He wore a white button up shirt and a pair of jeans. Then he got out of his room and went down for breakfast. On the table there was eggs and toast. "Thanks for the food!" Aichi clapped then he dug in. "All packed Aichi?" Shizuka asked. "Yep!" Aichi smiled. "I'm so excited!!" Aichi thought. Once Aichi finished he went to go to school. "Bye Emi! Bye Mom!" Aichi waved. Then he ran out the door. "Please be safe Aichi" Shizuka thought.

Aichi continued onwards to school. Luckily he didn't run into bullies so the way there was peaceful. Finally he got to his destination. "Good morning Sendou" the teacher smiled. "I have never seen him so excited." The teacher thought. "Good morning!" Aichi smiled. Then he went to his seat to wait until the high schoolers arrive. It took a while but eventually the high schoolers arrived. "Alright everyone listen I'm going to give you a number and that number will be what group you are in." The teacher announced. The teacher then went down the numbers and students. "Aichi Sendou number 21" the teacher announced. "Group number 21" Aichi thought. Then the class went outside to the front. At the front of the school there were high schoolers everywhere and some of them were holding up signs with a number on it. "Number 21" Aichi thought then he started looking for his group.

Kai, Miwa and the other high schoolers got off the bus. "Alright class I will be giving you guys numbers. The third years already have theirs and are holding up signs with numbers on it. There are a total of 30 groups and there will be about 10-15 kids in each. As high schoolers you must show an example of how they must behave. Alright listen for your number." The teacher explained. "I wonder who will be in my group." Miwa whispered. "Same here." Kai replied. "Taishi Miwa number 12, Toshiki Kai group 15" the teacher announced. "Oh man we're not in the same group!" Miwa complained. "To be honest I'm not that surprised I mean there are thirty groups and there are thirty-eight kids in our class." Kai replied. "I guess." Miwa pouted. Then the two walked over to their groups. Since they were first years they were the last ones to arrive. "Oh my gosh Kai is in my group!!" Hikari whispered. "I know right we are so lucky!!" Another whispered back. "We're so lucky! Miwa's in our group!!" Kira whispered. "That's for sure!!" Another girl whispered. Immediately Kai and Miwa tarted to talk to the boys in their group and the girls watched them. "Hey Miwa lets Cardfight later!" One kid suggested. "Yeah let's do i" Miwa stopped when he saw a flash of blue hair. His eyes widened when he saw it. Then he remembered Aichi. "Aichi?" Miwa wondered. "Hey Miwa? Miwa?" Miwa heard then he look the the voice and it was the kid he was talking to before. "Hey man you okay?" The kid asked. "Yeah I'm fine my mind just wandered." Miwa replied. "There's no way." Miwa thought.

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