3. Required

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So I need to make something clear. This is an AU. Aaron is not a youtuber/entertainer in this. I know i souldve mentioned this at the beginning. This is not directly connected with the first two books. It is 'book three' bc two characters were taken from the last book but it is its own book. So Cameron is not Aarons friend like the first 2. As you could probably tell Cameron is much younger in this one. I hope thats not too confusing

Dedicated to madybruh BC her comment made me smile and want to update. Ty !

Also CaitlynWilks BC your comment reminded me about this book. I had actually forgotten it even existed lmao. So thank you so much. Ily.

"Maybe invite him to the party this weekend?"  I was sat in first period, on Monday, with Melissa. She was listing ways for me to spend more time with Cameron but most seemed like they wouldn't be his thing.

"Melissa. He's never gone to a school party before. Why would he go to one just because I asked him to?" I said. I was frustrated that I couldn't think of something. How hard is it to make plans with someone. Its not like I was asking him out.

"Because you're hot." She scoffed like it was obvious.

"Mel, I don't want to date him. I just want to hang out so I can get to know him and possibly help him." I groaned. For some reason she couldn't get it through her head that I didn't have a crush on him.

"Maybe just offer to tutor him. He's in my algebra 2 class. I can tell he struggles. And you take pre-calc so I'm sure you'd be of help." She offered.

"That's so cliché." I mumbled. I've read too many books about someone tutoring someone else and they end up falling in love. Its beyond unrealistic.

"But it might work. Just talk to Mr. Harbor, our math teacher, and offer to help. Then make it look like Harbor sent you." She was actually brilliant.

"I guess it could work."

So, when my free period rolled around, instead of putting up new posters I went and talked to Mr. Harbor.  He seemed extremely greatful that I volunteered to tutor a kid in need. And luckily that kid just so happened to be Cameron, just like I planned.

He had said I could start next week. He just had to talk to Cameron and give me the things he's struggling with.

I left his room with a smile. I now had an excise to talk to the boy. And he couldn't ignore me bacause he has to spend two hours with me each day. I was determined to learn more about him. I wanted to know him.

He seemed so sad all the time. I've never seen him with another person. Which either means he's lonely or just chose to be alone. Which I don't understand either.

I never knew why he was ignored. He always seemed normal to me. He's not ugly or, from what I've observed, weird. To be completely honest he's extremely attractive. So I think he chose to be alone. That boy could be the most popular kid in our school, yet he's the loser for some reason. And I wanted to get to the bottom of it.


"Okay. Where should we start?" I asked Cameron.

It was the next week and we were sat in my room. He had insisted we did the tutor sessions at my house. I didn't mind but I kind of wanted to see where he lives, in a noncreapy way.

He just shrugged. I have yet to get more then a word out of him. He doesn't seem shy though, more like scared or careless. Or maybe he was kept to myself.

"Uhm, well what's the hardest thing for you?" I tried again. Partly to get him to talk but also because I did actually need to tutor him.

"All of it." He grumbled and crossed his arms across his chest. He kicked his feet up onto my desk.

"Well. Let's start on chapter one then." I smiled and pushed his feet off of my desk. I was a bit of a clean freak.

"Why are you doing this?" He finally spoke up. Looking me in the eyes for the first time today.

"Because your teacher asked. And it looks good on my record." I joked. He didn't laugh.

He leaned forward. "I heard you talking to melissa. I walked by just as she brought up that I needed help. I didn't hear much more then that but I'm sure there's more."

"I just want to help you." I said softly. I meant help him be happy but said it like I wanted to help his grade. I'm not sure which one he interpreted.

"I don't need help." He said and started to pack up his books and things.

"Wait," I stood up as well. "I'm suppose to tutor you for 2 hours for it to count."

"Tutor someone else, then." He spoke as he walked out of my door and was gone. Leaving be completely dumbfounded.

What is his problem?


Comment for a dedication! (:


(Also sorry for the long wait, and crappy chapter. Its late and I need sleep.)

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