-Saved- The Winchester Brothers+Castiel X Reader

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It was almost nighttime, and you were walking the streets towards your house. You were halfway there when you got to the foot of the woods.

Your house was in the woods, believe it or not. At the darkest part of the woods, was the little place you called home. When your parents gave you the house, they told you not to walk in the woods at night, but you didn't listen. You started working the afternoon shift today, and you came home at around 9 at night.

You personally marked your own path to get to home. It took 2 hours, but it was worth it.

Entering the woods, you were too busy looking down at the path to notice a large shadow ahead.

Castiel's POV

Sam and Dean were looking for a monster in the woods, and today was my lucky day because I had just visited them today. Guess what they made me do?

They made me go to the woods and find it myself.

I roll my eyes and keep walking. There are some (F/C) strings hanging on some trees and a path. I follow it, just to see where it leads.

Suddenly, there is an ear piercing scream. I look around and see a large, hairy object grabbing a teenage girl. She struggles but fails to be free from his grasp.

I run towards the scene and whistle to get the beast's attention. He turns to me and charges. I release my wings and fly above them. Then, I punch the beast.

^^Your POV^^

The beast grabbed me and tried to run away with me, but a man whistles to get the beast's attention. With me in his hands, the beast fights with the man.

That man has guts.

Or he's just insane.

Or he's immortal or something. 

At that very moment, he takes off his jacket, and white wings release from his shoulder blades.

Yep, its the third one.

Then, the beast drops me, and I hit my head on a rock and pass out.

Castiel's POV

The beast drops the girl, and I hit him in the jaw, causing him to run in fear. I pick up the girl, and I walk towards the truck and drive to Sam and Dean's.

-2 hours later-

I stop the truck in front of the house and bridal style pick her up. Sam opens the door and looks from the girl to me. His brow furrows.

"Who's that?" he asks.

"That beast you told me to kill, he had her, and when I was fighting him, he dropped her and she hit her head. I didn't get to kill the beast though." I shrug my shoulders. I walk past Sam and gently put the girl on the couch.

^^Your POV^^

I wake up with a jolt, remembering what happened who knows how long ago. Behind me, I hear papers rustling, and I realize I'm not in the woods anymore, but in someone's house.

"W-where am I?", I stutter.

I see the man with wings, another man with long, brown, curly hair, and another with dark brown hair that is pointy at the front.

"Um, I'm Castiel.", the winged man says.

"I'm Sam." the curly hair one steps out from what looks like a library or office. The last man steps out with Curly and waves.

"I'm Dean."

"Where am I? And was I just imagining it or did he", you point at Castiel. "Have wings?"

The guys look at each other.

"I'm an angel," Castiel says.

"Wow, Cas, way to explain." Dean sarcastically says.

"Why did you save me?"

"Because it looked like you were going to die, and I needed to kill that beast. How old are you by the way?" Cas says.

"Um, 22."

You again realize why you are here. You get off the couch, still with a migraine, and take all three guys into a bear hug. You were still a little drowsy, but you always gave really good bear hugs. You release the hug and look at Sam and Dean. They looked familiar.

"Hey, you guys look familiar."

They smirk at each other.

"We're the Winchesters," they say in sync.

Oh my gosh, these were THE WINCHESTERS!? I've heard so much about them!

"Maybe we can hang out often?" Cas asks me.

"Sure." we exchange phone numbers and they drive me home, literally through the woods, and say their goodbyes.

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