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I rolled off the bed and walked out of the room.I found reptile and Kitana trying to set up a bed."Allow me."I snapped my fingers and it assembled itself."There you go."I said but when I turned around they were mid make out."Ahem."Oh sorry thanks mileena."Your welcome."Kitana and reptile huh who woulda guessed."Ermac said.I shot him a glance then turned back."You guys are both so skinny from being prisoners you need to regain your strength."Yeah I guesssss your right."Reptile replied."Of course I am."Ermac sat down and turned on the t.v."And today we are expecting severe rain."I grabbed the remote,turned the t.v off,and put the remote between my breasts."Uh-Uh if it is going to rain that bad you are going shopping and stocking up mister."Why it's just rain."Yeah but when I drop the temperature it's going to be snow and a lot of it."Oh ok."He got in the car and left.I sat down and tried to think of something to do.I was extremely bored so I went to see what Kitana and reptile were doing.When I got to there room I knocked and opened the door.They were sitting on the bed talking but when I walked on they turned to me."Hey just wanted to see what you guys..."I didn't finish my sentence because I couldn't breathe.I grabbed my throat and got some air into my lungs."Um mileena I don't know how to tell you this but the babies are killing you."Reptile told me."I know."I dug my nails into my belly and ripped it open and grabbed the premature babies and yanked them out then healed myself as my belly returned to normal size.When Ermac got home I told him what happened."As long as your still here in happy."He said."Im not going anywhere."I told him.I unpacked groceries and he dragged me to our room for a nap.I pulled the remote out from between my tits and laid down next to Ermac and went to sleep.

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