The truth

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I woke up and decide to go for a walk.I put on jeans and a shirt with my jacket
and hat and slipped on my shoes and started to go.I was only down a few blocks when some guy came up behind me."Hey pretty lady."I grabbed him by his neck and ducked into a nearby ally.I snapped his neck with my thumb and some tentacles came out of my mouth and I ate him.My ass got a little bigger and tighter in my jeans and my boobs got even tighter in my bra.When I swallowed my belly ballooned out and stretched the skin really tight around him.I unzipped my jacket because it was really tight with my big belly.I started to walk again and could hear him sloshing around in my belly.I wanted more though.I was still hungry.I walked up behind another guy and ate him too.My belly got even fatter and tighter but it felt so good.This time I wanted to see if I could find compassion in someone.I walked up behind someone else and clutched my belly."Oh god,my water broke please help me I'm going into labor!"I shouted.He turned around and asked if I needed assistance.I ate him too.He went to my ass instead.It got really huge and started to rip through my jeans.I ate another guy and my ass got wider and fatter and completely ripped through my jeans.I ate two more people and they went to my boobs.Then I teleported home.Ermac asked what happened to me and I told him.I was tired again so I went to take a nap,drumming my fingers on my belly.

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