Chapter 1: Moony and Padfoot

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The two men knew that they had been called to Hogwarts for some reason. If they thought about it, this time they would not back down. This was going to be plain and simple. They wanted Harry in their care right away. And they wouldn't take no for an answer.

Harry would be three now, from what they had heard years ago, from Lily Potter , Petunia and her husband Vernon Dursley had not wanted to even think civil of " Their kind " ad they called it.

They were outside Dumbledore's office in no time at all before they knew it. Then Remus Lupin gave the gargoyle the password, which was " chocolate frogs ".

When they got to the top of the spiral staircase and reached the door, they knocked loudly. They heard Albus tell them to enter. They did just that.
When they entered their old headmaster's office he gestured to a pair of fuzzy armchairs in front of his desk. They did as they were told.

After they had been seated the old man had no twinkle in his blue eyes and not a smile on his face. This wasn't a happy day for him. He did not like being the bearer of bad news, but he had to tell them what Arabella Figg had told him about the abuse Harry Potter had been enduring these past two years.
There was no easy way to say it.
So he drew in a few breathes and said plain, " Harry Potter, your godson is being abused and we that is those who have been watching him, think he should live with you two. "

The two men were shocked to hear that. They were both trying hard not to lash out at the old man. But how they wanted to. He said that they could get him that day and gave them the adoption papers for Harry. He told them to be careful how they respond to the conditions their godson was in. They knew that it was not a feeble warning.
After they grabbed the papers they thanked him, and left without another word.
Privet Drive, number four
Dursley residence----

Harry Potter was a boy of three, but looked like he was younger. He had just finished the breakfast for the Dursley family. They ate it in front of him and smirked at the look of longing. His Uncle Vernon took it as weakness and bellowed loudly proclaiming that he was ungrateful and a brat. When a knock on the door sound the arrival of visitors. His uncle got up to answer the door and found Remus Lupin and Sirius Black on the front steps.
They spoke clearly, "We are here for Harry Potter, we have the adoption papers right now, and we are not taking no for an answer." Then his uncle let them in, calling his nephew to sit down and sign his name, so that they could have him. Harry just thought that he was dreaming. But he complied with a lot of fear that it was all a cruel joke. He quickly signed his name, and then the two men did as well. After that was done the one with the amber eyes picked him up and carried him out the door. When they got a ways from the house, they told him that they were going to apparate , then they turned slightly 'pop' they then appeared in a village , which they said was Hogsmead. In the distance they came to the most beautiful building he had ever seen, they called it Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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