Chapter 1

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My hand come in contact with his skin as I looked at him with disgust and hatred. 

"How dare you cheat on me?" I spat as a crowd started to form around us. "After all the fucking things I did for you!" I continued

"Come on babe, just give me a chance to explain-" I cut him off with my hand held up to his face. 

"Save it!" I hissed as I stormed off to my next class which is unfortunately math. Math is probably my worst subject, besides French, but everything makes it better with my amazing teacher Mr. Miller. He always cracks jokes even in the most serious times. We're literally always dissing each other and everyone seems to love it. It's quite funny if you ask me. We can literally say anything to each other without taking it to heart. 

Lost in my thoughts I bumped into someone making them spill hot coffee all over my white shirt. 

"FUCK!" I groan loudly as I try my best to remove the coffee off my shirt while totally lashing out on him.

"Can't you watch where your going? God gave you eyes for a reason you know, so use them! Like seriously, are you fucking blind!" I accused as him as he ran away stuttering apologies my way. I sighed feeling guilty as I watched him scurry off. But seriously though, can't he watch where he's going? I'm already having a bloody bad day and now I have to deal with this big ass fucking coffee stain on my white shirt. Can this day go any worse?

"Woah! What crawled up your ass and died?" Natasha said as she started walking with me to our next class.

Natasha Collins, a stunning eighteen year old who has been my best friend ever since we were in diapers. 

"River." I growled as we made our way to math. She sighed as she rolled her eyes. 

"What happened now?" 

"I can't believe he cheated on me!" I shrieked "He cheated on me! Skyler Jones! I mean seriously, who the fuck does he think he is? After all the fucking things I did for him." I continued ranting on "HE FUCKING CHEATS ON ME?" I shout making heads turn. "WHAT?" I yelled making them quickly look away. We entered in the now full classroom and sat down in our assigned seats. 

"Babe honestly, I don't know why you just don't break up with him already. You guys are constantly fighting and honestly, he's a jerk. He's just using you. Dump his sorry ass and move on." Natasha said turning around to face me. As I was about to reply, Mr. Miller chose that time to walk in to the classroom.

"Alright class, settle down!" Mr. Miller shouted over the loud chattering.

Once the chitchat became faint whispers, he carried on with his lesson. I let my mind wander off to a state of subconsciousness until my name was called. I shook my head and looked up only to see that one person who I was dreading to see. I just ignored him and took out my phone.

"Come on Skyler, you can't run away from me forever." He pushed. Not acknowledging his presence, I continued pretending to do something on my phone.

"Look, I'm sorry ok. Just give me a chance to explain." He was practically begging. This is to funny man, I love this!

"Why would I give you another chance huh? So you could cheat on me again?" I said still looking at my phone screen. "Because River, once a cheater always a cheater." I said starring at him in his light blue eyes. He sighed frustrated as he ran his fingers through his brown messy hair.

"Come on Sky-" I cut him off once again. This felt exactly like déjà vu.

"Does anyone else hear someone talking?" I said looking around the class who's attention was all on us, listening and watching intently as a few people chuckled.

From the corner of my eye I could see Rivers nose flare. I know he regrets coming here since this is effecting his bad boy image. Like I give a rats ass about him.

"You know what?" He snarled "I don't need any of this shit. We're over." He announced

"We were over long ago babe." I smirked knowing this is really pissing him off. He stormed off as I smiled pleased with myself.

The bell rang as I gathered my stuff ready to get out of this place. I just want to go home and lay down on my California king bed. I'm frazzled with all this drama.

"Hey I'll text you in a bit ok." Shouted Natasha from across the hall. I yelled back a ok as I pushed open the two huge doors. It was a nice warm afternoon with the wind gushing through my chocolate brown hair. My blue eyes scanned the field as I reached my shiny black Porsche convertible. My fucking baby.

I stepped out the car and climbed up the long staircase in front of my gorgeous mansion. I'm not the type of person to brag and show off but this is just so beautiful that I can't help myself. It has a beautiful water fountain in the middle of the lawn. A huge driveway with beautiful expensive cars parked in the front but the house itself is gorgeous. The whole house is made of glass from the outside. I grope around my purse trying to find my keys. I stepped inside and looked around sighing contently. The floor was decorated with a Persian rug that takes up most of the marble floor. In the middle stands a golden spiral staircase which is really fun to slide down from-not that I ever tried it... The living room is double the size of the hallway that's occupied with three cream sofas surrounding a fireplace and a rectangular table in the middle of them. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

As I was deciding on what to eat, my phone vibrated. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message.

"Want to go watch a movie?" Was the message I received. It was Natasha.

"I don't really know. I'm really tired." I quickly replied back turning my attention back on the fridge.

"We'll grab lunch on the way." I smiled reading her reply. She really does know me well.

"Come pick me up" I typed away as I closed the fridge.

"Already outside." I quickly grabbed my purse and my keys making my way out the door locking it behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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