Chapter Six: Detention Sucks, Plain and Simple

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(A clip of Umbridged's detention,god I hate her,)

At dinner we heard a lot of snide remarks about Harry's out burst. I frowned saying, "Don't they have anything else to do?" After we left, Hermione then explains to us that Dumbledore's speech didn't really have any effect because the ministry has been preventing the truth to come out. We then talked about professor Umbridge and her horrible class. Hermione told us that the ministry sent her as a spy, we found George and Fred experimenting on the students to which Hermione threaten to write to their mother if they didn't stop. As we left they twins grabbed me saying, "Come on, we need you to try something for us." Once we were alone they handed me something that looked like a piece of candy. "What's that?" I asked. "You'll see." They said while putting it my mouth. "Just don't swallow." Fred told me I suddenly felt sick they quickly handed me a bucket were I vomited the candy out and a little more, "What was that?" I asked them once I finished. "That was a puking pastille. Fred told me ashamed then said to his brother, I thought you were going to give her a nosebleed nougat?" "I thought I gave her the right one." George told him, they then looked into the box then said, "Sorry Tiger, It looks like we mixed them by accident when we leaving Granger." "It's alright, also don't call me that just call me Timothy." "Alright Tim." They said with a wink and left. The next day, our teacher told us of the O.W.L.'s or ordinary wizard level exams they proceed to give us a ton of homework. At our taking care of magical creatures class Hagrid was still gone and professor Grubby-Plank was still subbing. I only remember her a bit from my second year, she's really nice but not Hagrid. I snapped out my thoughts when I heard Draco insulting Hagrid I also notice that Harry was getting angrier by the second then I said,"Leave him alone Draco, he's not even here to defend himself. "Don't you dare talk to me, you filthy mudblood!" I was getting tired of him, "I dare you to call me one more time." He got into my face then said slowly, "Mud. Blood." I grabbed his shirt and was going to punch him but before I could however Jorden arrived saying, "Malfoy stop making out with your boyfriend, Sammules stop getting physical with him and Potter if you're going punch something, punch a wall." At that moment Draco backed five feet away from telling Jorden, "I am not a homosexual." "Funny, I remember your father saying the exact thing after I saw him making out with another guy." Draco flushed then said, "M-My father would never do such things!" "Oh really why don't you ask him unless you're scared." He told him with a grin after that Draco said nothing for the whole class when we entered the castle again, Angelina Johnson was mad at Harry for getting detention because she wanted the whole Quidditch team there at the tryouts. She then offered me a chance but I turn it down telling her that I never really bothered to learn it at my old school and that I had detention with Harry. She nodded the we left for our detention we both had a week, she also refused to change the punishment so that he could at least attend the tryout with the team. I frowned at that but said nothing. She then made us write lies with an evil quill of hers, for Harry she had him writing will not tell lies as for me she had me write, I will not believe a lier. While we wrote I felt a horrible slashing pain in my right hand. When I looked, my eyes grew wide in horror because the same message that I was writing was on my hand. She then came over to ask, "Is there something wrong, dear?" "Yes, Why is there writing on my hand?!" She giggled then said, "Child, can't you see you mistake yet?" I glared at her but she just said, "Well you just need another lesson." We continued this along with Harry as much as it hurt I was proud that Harry had kept his anger in line, unlike mine. Also during this time we had trouble with keeping track on our homework. I notice that Ron had trouble as well and he seemed distracted. Once we were both out of detention I went to the twins. They had smiles on their faces, "Hey Tim." They said in unison. "Hi guys." I greeted back with a wave. "We missed you." Said Fred. "Yeah, Where have you been?" Asked George I smiled sheepishly telling them, "I had detention with Harry." "Really?" They asked together again. "Yeah, I recommend you don't mess with her. She's mean." "Hey, What happened to your hand?" Asked Fred. "Um, nothing." I told them quickly while covering it, Just nothing." "Are you sure?" George asked suspicious. "Yes. I have to go now." Suddenly George pinned me against the wall while Fred un-bandaged my hand he then gasped. "T-Tiger. Why did-" but he was lost for words. "I told you never to call me that and leave me alone! I'm just fine!" I yelled at them while leaving covering my hand as I did.

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