Chapter Twenty Four: Trying to Move On

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(A song that basically sums up Tiger's year at Hogwarts)

                                                                 Tiger's POV

I was in a dark place I looked around to see windows but what I saw broke my heart, my cousin basically told me that he never wanted me. I just fell to my feet and started to cry my heart out thinking to myself, Why didn't just die that day. Suddenly I heard a voice say, Please don't say that. I turn my head to see that lady,Phoebe. What are you doing here? I asked her wanting to be alone. She smiled softly then told me, Well believe it or not, I live here. I gave her a look of disbelief but said nothing, she then told me in a serious tone, TigerLilly you will go through more pain but know this it will work out. How do you know? She gave me a knowledgeable look saying, Trust me, I've been through a similar situation before. She then took my hand as we walk into a warm light then it turned into darkness again. I then opened my eyes to reveal that I was in the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey came over saying, Oh mister Sammules you're awake. H-How long have i've been out? I asked a bit out of it. Oh a few days. Maybe a week. A week? I repeated suddenly more aware. Yes, now everything seems to be in order but I would suggest to take it easy for a few days. I nodded still amazed that I was out that long. When I came into the common room I saw Harry talking to Sir Nicholas. I smiled a bit but notice that Harry seemed to be upset so I decide to start packing. Once I finished I headed to Myrtles bathroom, Myrtle? Are you here? What! Oh Hi Timothy I didn't see you. I smiled, hey myrtle. How have you been. I have been horrible, Peeves took his annual swim here and kept singing a nasty song. I'm sorry to here that. Well at least your here. Here Myrtle, I handed her a photo, What's this? She question. I laughed a bit then told her, It's a photo of us, my cousin snapped it. I said the last part sadly. Hey, it's okay, she said trying to cheer me up. I smiled, Thanks Myrtle. As I left the bathroom I ran into Lupe. Hey Timothy, Did you heard that Professor Dumbledore is back? Hi Lupe, No I haven't. During the ride to the station Lupe filled me in on what I missed but I then I wondered, What's going to happen to me? When the train landed, Lupe ran off while telling me good bye I waved to her, just then I saw that Mad Eye Moody, Remus and Tonks were talking to Mr. Dursley. I approached them asking Where do I go now. Everyone seem to be uneasy then Tonks said, I'll watch over her. Tonks! Remus and Moody said in unison. I mean him. She she quickly. Moody told her, I don't know Dora, a child is a big responsibly. I know that and don't call me Dora! Remus then said awkwardly, If you want Mad Eye, I can help her. He sighed then said, Alright but call me if you have any trouble. We will, now come on Timothy, this is going fun. I could hear Remus sigh as he walked behind both of us. I began to think as she lead, What will my future show me next?  

                                                                              END OF BOOK FOUR

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