this dork

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you sat next to your boyfriend, smiling happily. you were home alone at his house, and were watching a movie together.
it had been 4 months since you two had started dating, and not once have you two kissed.
you, being the awkward person you were, could never make a first move. karamatsu, was simply karamatsu.
though you havent kissed, you've done things like cuddle and hold hands. you were happy, and so was he. that was all that mattered.
the movie karamatsu had chosen was a bit cheesy and romantic. so far, it was about a girl falling in love with a guy, but the guy was moving to florida. it was sad.
you were at the part where they stood in the rain as he told her he was moving. you watched intensely.
"john... y-you cant leave."
karamatsu was getting into it just as much as you were
"john... i... i love you !"
your eyes teared up. why would he choose this. you were on a date, you shouldnt cry on dates.
you noticed karamatsu glance at you a few times. you weren't so sure why, but you ignored it.
eventually, it got to a kissing scene. it made you smile
you felt karamatsu shift against the couch. you looked up at him. he looked down at you.
the romantic music from the movie played as you stared into eachothers eyes. you slowly moved your face closer to his.
but, being him, karamatsu moved a bit too fast, and bumped your foreheads together.
you both pulled back, hissing in pain and grabbing your foreheads. you looked at eachother, then started to laugh. after your laughter died down, you wrapped your arms around his neck. he smiled, a embarrassed blush on his face.
"sorry." he muttered.
you smiled sweetly, and pressed your lips against his softly.
"its fine, you dork~"

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