SPN- "Hitchhiker"

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Walking along the empty, frigid interstate probably wasn't the best idea in hindsight, but it was my only option. Mother was gone, she had been for years and it was the only thing that I knew, well besides hunting. But hunting never felt right, it felt hypocritical, considering what I am. But, it's no one's fault really, things just happen, and they result with people like me. 

My father had told me stories about my mom, I somewhat remember her face, but, it's very faint. Father actually gave me the only photo he had left of mom, the others, they were destroyed along with everything else. I remember that day, the day when my father told me what happened, how my mother died. My whole life my father never lied to me about what he did, I knew he was a hunter, but for 15 years, he always told me my mother died in a car accident. But then, the threat I never knew existed came back. 

8 years ago~

I had just walked into my 4th-period class, Theater with Ms. Robin. I was headed to my usual seat, my books in hand and backpack on my shoulder when I looked at my seat and saw 2 thin books laying in it. I picked up the books and read the covers, '12 Angry Jurors'  and 'The Crucible'. These were 2 of my favorite plays. I beamed brightly, a wide smile settling on my face. I adjusted my glasses and set the books along with my other belongings down and headed over to Ms. Robins, "Thank you so much for the gifts, but I couldn't take these." 

"Think of them as an early gift." Ms. Robins smiled back giving me a light hug. She pulled away upon hearing the theater phone ringing. She pulled the phone from the wall and answered it while I headed back to my seat. Right when I got myself seated I heard Ms. Robins call my name. I looked at her and she gave me a sad smile. 

"They want you in the office, your father is here for you."  I nodded my head and gathered my things. Walking to the office I couldn't help but feel so many different emotions. I was happy because that meant that he made it back from his previous hunt unharmed, but then I felt confused because he never pulled my out of class unless it was an emergency. Being unable to decide in my head I picked up my pace and started walking faster to the office. When I pulled open the doors to the office I saw my father leaning against the counter, a grim face lacing his features. 

When the door closed behind me he turned and settled his eyes on me, a little smile gracing his gloomy expression. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, "You're home. I was wondering when you'd be back." I whispered as he hugged me back. 

We left the office and climbed into my dad old truck. We sat in silence for the majority of the ride and it was bothering me why he wasn't saying anything, by now I normally would've known why he pulled me out of class. 

"What's wrong dad?" I asked, looking over at him. 

He remained silent, no words leaving his lips, not even a sigh, "Dad, why did you pull me out of school? Is there something wrong? Do we have to leave?" I asked, the dread in my voice becoming evident. 

"Shh. Danika! We'll talk about it when we get home." He spoke gravely. 

I sat back in my seat and kept my mouth shut the rest of the ride. I watched the scenery pass us by as he drove like a madman down the empty streets of our small town. I kept my body facing the window not even responding to my father when he reached for my hand. 

When we pulled up to our home I looked at the empty land surrounding our home and I felt really unsafe all of a sudden. I turned quickly of my feet and raced inside. I went to my room and dropped everything on my bed, I didn't move, it felt like something was watching me. I moved to my window and closed the blinds, I kept my lights off, this 'impending doom' sort of feeling was lingering over me. 

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