Paper planes

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Is agreeing to babysit was the worst thing we've ever thought of doing! But hey we're stuck now playing with this little kid named Lucy.

"Let's play another game!" She says to Phil and I. Oh god I hope it doesn't involve fairies and flying unicorns. But it doesn't she looks at Phil with a cute look on her face.

"Philly please can we make paper airplanes?" She asks him, before Phil can speak I know what the answer will be, Phil can never say no when a 3 year old gives him a cute face.

"Umm.... Ok" Phil says and they begin to make their first plane. I stand back from a distance and watch them craft.

Five minutes later I can't help but laugh when Lucy rips her paper plane, she's so dramatic about it, to the point that she starts having a meltdown and Phil awkwardly begins to hand over his.

"Don't cry, craft!" I tell Lily and she actually begins to build another plane!


Eventually when they've made the paper planes they begin throwing them around the room, not sure if that was allowed in the rent agreement but still.

I'm not going to lie, they're both useless at throwing the planes, after five minutes of watching them I walk over to them and show them how it's done.

Except for it doesn't go forward, it turns around and hits Phil... In the crotch.

Lucy seems to have not noticed and carries on trying to make the plane fly but Phil stops and awkwardly stands I'm the corner.

Well the plane definitely ships it! I think,

I walk over to Phil who smiles awkwardly as I walk towards him.

"You know me and that plane have some similarities you know?" Phil gives me a questioning look. "Well we both have the same life goals."

As Phil realises what I mean, he gives a little chuckle and blushes,

"Well, you can reach that goal tonight!" Phil says to me.

We're going to have fun tonight! I think!

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