While Bahja was walking , she got snatch into the janitors closet . She didnt know who it was "Im gone give you what you need!" as the unknow person whisper in her ear , The unknown person waited until the bell ring to get out , the bell finally ring . Bahja heard Roc calling her name , she tried to scream help but she couldnt cause her mouth was cover . She kicked the door .
Roc P.O.V.
I heard kicking but idk where its coming from , so i just went back to class .
Bahja P.O.V.
I kept kicking trying to get help but i guess it didnt work out . Who is this person that snatch wtf !
"Dont worry baby i got you!"
They walked out the janitor closet and left the school . When the anymous person hopped in the car , he reveal his face . It was....
Comment who you think it is . Your choices are
Marcus !