chapter (1)(Edited🌈)

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This is the first book I'm writing. I just started writing so please don't judge me an let me know if you like the book This book is about True Blood. The characters in true blood don't belong to me. The only characters that belong to me are the OC's.
Alexandra POV
Life is good most of the time. I don't really go out at night since the vampires came out into the open. I live alone I use to live with my mother but the ended two years ago when a vampire killed her. It took me a while to learn how to live without her. My mother name was Nikita and my father name was Elijah I don't know much about him because he died in the military before I was born. I never asked mom much about him because any time that I mentioned dad I could see the pain in her eyes. She did tell me that they were high school sweethearts. I have some pictures of him and mom together when they were young. I get my hair color from my dad and eye color from my mom. She was the best mother anyone could have, she was loved by all the townspeople. When she died everyone was devastated. I miss her every day. My name is Alexandra Payton and I'm 18 years old and I have black hair and my skin color is tan and I'm a native American, an I live in Dallas Texas. I go out here and there, an tonight I decided to go out clubbing with a group of friends. I had a couple of drinks and decided to go home I said goodbye to my girls and left the club it's called Obsession. As I was walking I felt like someone was watching I brushed it off and turned back around to continue walking. The next thing I know I'm pinned against a brick wall and a vampire is in my face with his fangs out. He is wearing black clothes and cowboy boots and a hat. He says he name is Stan and that it's my time to die. I close my eyes and expect the pain to come. But the next thing I know I hear a growl and I'm on the ground catching my breath. I look up to see a smaller vampire has the vampire Stan by his neck and he is growling at Stan. He is saying do not feed on the human and it seems he tells Stan to go because the next the I know, it is only him and me in the alley. Then all of a sudden he is in front of me I gasp and jump back in fright. He asks for my name and I tell him it's Alexandria, out of nowhere he picks up my right hand, and kiss it, and tells me his name is Godric he says he hopes to see me again. I blink and realize that I'm alone in the alley. Then I hurry home and jump into the shower and get ready for bed. I fall asleep dreaming about Godric.
Godric POV
My name is Godric and I've been walking this planet for 2,000 years. I have become bored with walking on Earth I have one progeny named Eric Northman he is 1,000 years old. I met Eric on his death bed in the woods, he was injured in a battle the night before. He fought with such grace and beauty. When I found him in the woods he was surrounded by two men that were talking him and appeared to be his friends. I rushed in and killed both of the rippings out there throats, then I landed beside him. He asked about his men and I told him I killed them he called me a swine and he asked me if I was death I told him I was he told me I was just a boy and I told I was not. I asked him if he would want to be my companion in death. I told him that I would be his father, brother, and son. He then asked what was in it for him I told him life. He replied with the word life and I grew a smile and sunk my fangs into the left side of his neck. An from that moment I made my first child ( progeny).

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