Chapter Three

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^Miki's POV^

I cried and hugged Tamaki as he told me what he knew about me. Luckily for me, Hanako started looking for me when I didn't answer her face time call.

"Miki," Hanako yells, "where have you been? I've been so worried sick about you! Who's this boy?"

"I'm Tamaki Suoh," Tamaki replies while calming me down, "I know about Momo. I'm sorry if I worried you. I told Momo to check out my club today after school."

"It's okay," Hanako states, "would you like to come in for some coffee or tea?"

"I'd love to, but only if it's okay with Momo."

I look from Tamaki to Hanako and smile. I take Tamaki's hand and pull him inside while Hanako goes to the kitchen for our drinks.

"So," Tamaki begins, "how come you're mute?"

"Tamaki," I write down, "I really don't wanna talk about it. I haven't spoken for years and there's no chance that I'll start now."

"Then that settles it! Starting today I will do whatever it takes to get you to talk, Momo!"

"Please," I scribble as I sigh, "call me Miki. I haven't been called Momo in years."

"Okay. But only if you promise to try talking again."

"That's not gonna happen."

"Okay. Then I guess Momo is your name from now on." Tamaki Suoh is not only an idiot, but he's also a stubborn idiot.

"How about I tell you the reason why I'm mute?"

"I'll settle for that. But remember that I'll do everything in my power to get you to talk again."

"Good luck with that," Hanako says as she comes in with a cup of tea and a cup of coffee, "I brought you your favorite, Miki, peppermint coffee. And I brought you some green tea, Mr. Suoh. I'm sorry if you're not too fond of it, it's the only tea we have."

"That's quite alright. Green tea's good for you." Tamaki smiles at Hanako, but lucky for me his charm doesn't work on her.

"Knowing Miki," Hanako sighs, "she'll give you the super short version of why she's mute."

I stare at Hanako after pushing her shoulder gently. I don't know Tamaki and I don't want him to know too much about me.

"I'm not a boy," I write quickly before Hanako can tell Tamaki the whole story, "that's why my parents neglect me. I'm not the heir to the family line. Their neglection caused me to shut everyone and every word out."

Luckily for me, Tamaki's cell phone started going off.

"It's Haruhi," he sighs, "the Host Club's probably worrying about me. Well I guess I better be going. Thank you for the tea. And Miki, I'd appreciate it if you came by the club everyday after school. Not many guests enjoy eating cake with Honey." As Hanako shows Tamaki to the door and instructs a limo to take him back to school, I slowly walk up to my room and begin doing the one thing that clears my head...playing the piano.

^Tamaki's POV^

I must admit, I was furious when Haruhi called me. Part of me wanted to hear the end of Miki's story, but part of me also knew that she wasn't going to tell...or write...the rest of it. I don't know how I'm going to make her talk, but I really wanna hear Miki's voice.

As the limo slowly starts pulling out of the driveway, I hear a rather depressing melody being played on a piano.

"Ms. Tamamoto is at it again," the driver says from the front of the limo, "it's always the same song."

"Miki's the one playing that depressing song," I ask with shock in my voice.

"Yes," the driver replies, "ever since the Master and Misses gave Ms. Tamamoto to Ms. Tananka, the piano playing began. It started with happy tunes, but everything changed when the accident happened...the songs gradually became more depressing and she stopped talking. Ms. Tamamoto was such a carefree child."

"What do you mean by accident? What happened?"

"It's really not my place to say. I wasn't even there when it happened. Ms. Tanaka was the one who explained what had happened to the Master's only child."

Only child? If that's part of the reason why Miki never talks, then I can relate. I know what it's like to be all alone in a mansion with only maids as company. I do hope that I can get her to talk soon.

"Where'd you go, Tama-chan," Honey asks me when I walk back in Music Room 3.

"Where were you, senpai," Haruhi asks with concern in her voice.

"Don't worry, Haruhi," I begin, "Daddy's back!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not my father," Haruhi yells.

Like usual, I sulk in the fetal position. To my surprise, the twins are actually trying to cheer me up instead of adding to my pain. I didn't realize that everyone was that curious to know where I was.

"Alright," I energetically state, "I'm going to tell you all about my journey to Miki's work!" I wanna tell the Host Club everything about Miki, but I don't want her to hate me.

"Just like her mother," I continue, "Miki's a maid for the Tamamoto family. She's one of the maids that help get the food ready."

"Did you find out why she's mute, Boss," Hikaru and Karou ask in sync.

"Unfortunately no," I sigh, "but as the Prince of the Host Club I command all of you to help me make Miki talk again!"

"What does the winner get," Hikaru asks.

"It's only fair that whoever can get Miki to talk should take her on a date," Karou finishes his brother's thoughts. Sometimes I really hate those two twins!

"Fine," I declare, "but just remember that both of you are against each other. I don't want that beautiful princess going on a date with the both of you!"

"Anything you say, Boss." Something tells me that those two have some secret idea to get Miki to talk.

~The Next Day~

^Miki's POV^

As promised, I walk into Music Room 3 after school and head straight for an empty seat by Takashi and Mitsukuni.

"Hey Miki-chan," Mitsukuni greets me with a hug, "what kind of cake would you like?"

"I'd like strawberry, please," I type on my phone, "it's my favorite."

"Usa-chan and I are busy eating chocolate cake," Mitsukuni replies, "but Takashi will bring you a piece of strawberry cake if you ask him to."

Something tells me that Tamaki's giving Mitsukuni more sweets if he helps to get me to talk. I didn't realize how stubborn Tamaki is.

Ignoring Tamaki's plans, I gently pull on Takashi's jacket and show him the text that I had showed Mitsukuni a bit earlier.

"You really should use your voice," Takashi says briefly while handing me my piece of cake. If Tamaki's behind all of this, he's gonna get a good beating from Mamoru, my personnal (and only) bodyguard.

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