Chapter Four

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It's been a couple of weeks and Takashi, Mtsukuni, and Tamaki are still trying to get me to talk. As suspected, they've all failed.

"So this is where you hang out everyday after school, Mo?"

I turn around in my seat next to Takashi and spot a tall red haired guy chewing gum. Curiosity sparks my interest as I get up and approach the unknown deep voiced guy. When we're a foot from each other I notice that there's a bandage over his right eye and that both of his eyes are red.

"Mamoru," I type on my phone, "you're back?!"

"Mo," Mamoru questions, "how come you're not talking? I wasn't gone that long."

"Yes you were! You've been gone for six years!"

"Six years?! I didn't realize that I was protecting your mom for so long. When did you dye your hair?"

"Your hair's not naturally pink, Miki," Tamaki asks while standing next to me, "and who's this guy?"

"I'm Mamoru," he replies, "I'm Momo Tamamoto's personnal bodyguard. Her mother's recently passed away so it's my job to protect Momo at all costs. And right now I need to take Momo to her mother's funeral."

My mother's dead? mother's dead! I know I should be sad, but my mother was the first to neglect me. She would never look at me and always called me a 'disgusting disgrace' to both her and my father. I'm actually kinda happy she's dead.

"I'm so sorry about your mother," Tamaki says with sympathy in his voice.

"I'm not," I quickly reply, "I'm happy she's gone. Mamoru, I'm not going to her funeral. She may have given birth to me, but Yugi Tamamoto is not my mother."

"Don't say that," Haruhi yells, "she not have always been there for you but she still loved you."

"Actually," Mamoru cuts in, "Yugi never did love Momo. Aki did spend some time with his daughter until the accident happened. It was Hanako who looked after Momo."

"Why do you call Miki-chan Momo," Mitsukuni asks innocently.

"It's her real name," Kyouya states, "Miki Tanaka is actually Momo Tamamoto. She's the only child of the deceased Japanese inventor of an American computer company."

"Sh-shut up," I yell, "shut up, Kyouya Ootori!" I....I finally spoke after six years of silence...

Without hesitating, I turn around and run out of the Ouran Academy at record speed. I can't believe that I spoke infront of the Host Club AND Mamoru!

^Tamaki's POV^

I watch in shock as Miki runs out of the room after yelling at Kyouya. I can't believe that her parents are dead. Maybe she became mute after her father's death.

"Mamoru," I begin, "when was the last time that Miki spoke?"

"Why do you call her Miki," he barked at me, "she hated being called that as a child."

"She told me to call her Miki," I replied, "now answer my question."

"The last time I saw Momo was six years ago. Aki and Momo got in a deadly car crash on her birthday. Aki did everything to protect his daughter. After the accident, Yugi said she would pay me a bit extra if I became her new bodyguard. I agreed. I sent the money Momo. Ever since her father died she had to pay for school on her own. Hanako and I would help as much as possible. Momo was still talking when her mother and I left to go to America."

I now understand why Miki's mute. I need to find her.

"Men," I proclaim, "we'll split up and look for Miki! Mamoru, did Miki ever go to a certain place to hide or to be alone?"

"Yeah," he sighs, "but I don't know where it is. I can guess that it might be a garden. She loves flowers very much."

"Alrigh then! Mori, Honey, I want you two to look at local parks with big gardens. Hikaru, Karou, go to Miki's house and have the maids help you look for her. Kyouya, tap into local security cameras near public parks and contact me if you find Miki. Mamoru, you and I are gonna search the academy for her. We will not stop until we find Miki!"


It's been an hour and we still haven't found Miki. Mamoru and I have only checked half the school and haven't found any clues about her whereabouts.

Suddenly, as I'm walking through Ouran's garden maze, I hear crying near the rose bushes.

"Miki," I ask, "is that you?"

"G-go away, Tamaki," she replies between cries.

"I'm only going away once I know you're okay. I can't bear to leave a beautiful princess here crying all by herself. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, Miki."

"Leave me alone, Suoh." Miki puts her head in my chest and hugs me tightly.

"You know, you have an odd way of telling others that you need help."

"Sh-shut up!"

A small smile appears on my face as I shut my mouth and let Miki cry her eyes out.


After awhile, Miki fell asleep with her head still in my chest. I took this opputunity to text the Host Club about where Miki and I were.

As everyone arrived near the rose bushes, I noticed that Mamoru was with the guys as well. Something tells me that Kyouya sent him my text.

"I'll take her home, Tamaki," Mamoru tells me while reaching for Miki.

"If you don't mind," I whisper, "I'd rather take her home. She's leached herself onto me anyways."

"Fine," he sighs, "follow me."

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