Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Nicholas and Sasha were in Pete’s office at seven on the dot, they knew better then to be late.  “My favorite two agents.” Pete said as they sat down. There was some sarcasm in his voice. He wasn’t as mad with them but he wasn’t happy either. What Sasha did was careless and stupid even if she was overtaken by grief. He should’ve kept her out that room because he had known better. Nicholas acted in love, as simple as that. Nicholas loved Sasha more then he knew and he wanted to take care of her, heading home was a way to do that. Pete was the boss and at the end of the day he couldn’t fault either of them for his mistake.

Sasha cringed as she sat down in the chair before Pete’s desk. The room and chair seemed smaller then they actually were. She didn’t know how scary Pete could be until then. “Still mad?” she felt like an idiot for asking.

Pete smiled.

“That’s not good.” Nicholas said as he sat in the chair beside Sasha’s.

“Don Mallory isn’t a very happy man, which makes my life a whole lot worse.” Pete grimly said. Don Mallory was the director of the FBI. He was rarely around and when he was, it meant serious trouble was going down.

“What will make Mallory a happy man?” Sasha asked. She wasn’t fond of Don Mallory, he was boss but he didn’t know the game, he wasn’t out there everyday seeing evil up close.

“You far away from Jim Carson as I can get you. You can’t step nowhere near this case anymore. As a family member to the victim, you’re entitled updates but can’t sit in interviews. You can’t investigate anything involving the case. You’re not to see Jim unless it’s because you’re sitting in his trial. I mean it Sasha; don’t break these rules because you will be fired.” Pete warned.

Sasha hated every word Pete said but she understood. She was too close to the case, she knew that now but it didn’t make her feel any better. All she thought about was making Jim pay, she needed it. It wasn’t a question of trust in Pete to make sure Jim went away. It was the fact she needed to see it happen, be there to make sure it was really over.

“Ok, I’ll stay away from everything. You have my word.” Sasha said against her own will. She knew it wouldn’t help anyone if she fought it. She had no right to demand anything because the victim was her sister, she shouldn’t be involved at all. Pete was being nice about it and he didn’t have to be.

“Good, now that that’s settled let’s get to work.” Pete said as he opened several files that had been spread out on his desk. “Billie told me how you helped on her case Sasha, good job. I want you to work with her until further notice. Nicholas, my sweet boy.” He smiled once more.

Nicholas knew by Pete’s tone and the way he was looking at him; he was still upset about yesterday. “Yes?” He asked warily.

“I want you on the Brown case with Noah. He’ll fill you in on the details so far; he got the case this morning. That’s it, for now.”

Sasha and Nicholas left the office. “He’s still pretty mad at us.” Sasha said as they walked down the hallway.

“Yup. He’ll get over it, I hope.”

“Aww honey, are you upset the boss is mad?” Sasha asked, her voice dripping with heavy sarcasm.

Nicholas laughed as he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer. His plan was to plant a quick soft kiss on her lips and that’s it. It didn’t go according to plan; the kiss grew into more as fast as it had happened. They stopped walking, their lips becoming one, their bodies closer against each other.

“Eww, no one wants to see that.” Noah said as he watched them kiss.

Sasha pulled away first, slapping Nicholas’ hands from going up her top. “No one told you to watch Noah.”

“Alright, let go of each other. He’s my partner now Sasha, hands off.” Noah said as he pulled Nicholas away.

“You know Noah that sounded a little gay, but I can’t blame you for wanting him.” Sasha said as she followed them, giving Nicholas another kiss before leaving to find Billie.

Billie Savich was seated at her desk reading the morning paper, which she placed down once Sasha sat in the wooden chair before her. “You’re glowing, do you know that?”

“I’m not glowing.” Sasha said with a shrug.

“Yes you are and you have a huge smile you’re trying to hide. Mind if I ask why you might be glowing with happiness?” Billie asked, her new friend’s happiness made her smile.

“Um, I’m happy and mad and sad all at the same time. I miss my sister more then I could even begin to explain. I’m mad and pissed her killer has all these rights and is screwing me in the process. I’m happy because---”

 “Because you’re in love with a great guy?” Billie guessed.

Sasha laughed. “Yeah, that’s it. I never thought I could fell like this for someone and I never thought in a billion years it would be Nicholas McBain. I really, really, disliked him. I had serious thoughts of hurting him.” It seemed like so long ago they were at each others throats and couldn’t wait to get away from each other.

“It’s always the guys you think you hate but secretly want, that turn out to be the love of your life.” Billie said.

“You asked me a question, now it’s my turn. This isn’t the first time you mention said guy, who is he?” Sasha asked.

Billie let out a sigh before she began. “His name is Dillon. He and my brother Joey are best friends. Joey and I are very close so Dillon and I were always together. I couldn’t stand him. I would beg Joey to stay away from Dillon but he never listened. Somewhere between eighteen and twenty I stopped hating him and wanted something. I couldn’t tell him so I treated him like dirt until one day he kissed me and from that day on I was in love with him.” She explained.

Sasha saw the sadness in Billie’s eyes and heard it deep in her voice. “What happened?”

“I---I had to leave town and I did, leaving him and everything behind.” Billie said. She had thought she was over the past but the tears stinging her eyes said different.

“Do you want to talk about it, what made you leave?”

Billie dried her eyes. “No there’s a lot to be done, let’s get to work.”

Life Bleeding in my Hands (FBI Series Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon