chapter 4 of a story i dont own

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Naruto jogged along the streets, heading to the store Sakura had described, though he was only vaguely paying attention. He found the store, though, when he remembered her saying something about a big pink-purple sign. He could tell he was being followed, but paid it no mind, knowing that if he did, they would really get suspicious.

He found the two candles he wanted and bought them at a fairly reasonable price, adding in two holders as well. The cashier was only a few years older than him, so she didn't know of his "legend" and so try to over-charge him.

As he exited, he could feel his stalkers and sighed.'This will be a long day.' He went over a mental check list of what he thought he would need for his date.

"AH HA!" he yelled out, spinning around facing the tree Sasuke was in.

"I knew I forgot to get something," Naruto said as he walked to the nearest food stand, trying not to laugh as he felt the tension from his stalker drop.

"Do you sell meats here?" Naruto asked the vender.

"Yeah, how much and what kind do ya want?" the man asked with a bit of an accent.

"About a three pound roast," Naruto replied. The man nodded and handed the meat to him. Naruto thanked and paid him, then put the meat in his bag, before continuing on his merry way.

He went to a local fruit vender and began to browse the citrus fruits. The vender came out. Sasuke and Sakura were on the roof of a nearby house, Sakura not even caring that Sasuke wasn't talking to her at all. She was just happy to be near him without him pushing her away. They looked down to where Naruto was looking at the citrus fruits.

"Hey! You sell limes?" Naruto asked when the vender came over.

"Yes, but not to you!" the vender yelled, attracting the people's attention. 'Nope, not a friendly vender.' Naruto sighed and began to walk away.

"You little demon brat! Don't turn your back on me when I'm talking to you!" the angry man yelled.

"Yeah you should be more polite!" someone yelled.

"Yeah!" others agreed. Someone threw a tomato at him, which he dodged, but he waited until the last minute to do so, making it look like he dodged by pure luck.

"Get him!" shouted someone from the crowed. Immediately, people started throwing things at him from all angles. Naruto dodged all of them easily, which seemed to anger the people even more. When he saw a lemon being thrown, it gave him an idea.

"OH NO! NOT THE LEMONS AND LIMES!" Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs.

He could hear the fox snickering as the people began to throw the sour fruits. Naruto jumped up and grabbed about ten lemons and ten limes before taking off. Sasuke and Sakura were not only confused but startled that Naruto had gotten away without any produce on him.

"Heh, suckers," he said to himself as he ran off, leaving Sakura and Sasuke to ponder where he went.

When Naruto got back to his apartment, he looked at the time. 'Almost 6:45. Great, gotta hurry!' Naruto grabbed a pan, turned on the oven, and began to slice up the lemons. When the oven was fully heated, he inserted the roast, along with the lemon wedges and a few spices he found laying around.

He then began peeling potatoes and sticking them in boiling water. While the potatoes were cooking, he began to work on two small salads. Once those were done, he checked the things in the oven. They still needed a few more minutes, so he went to find a blanket or sheet of some sort. Once he found a decent one, he ran back to the kitchen, blanket waving behind him. He threw the blanket on the table and put the plastic salad bowls on the blanket.

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