Chapter Thirteen - Dreams

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Minke was dreaming. He dreamed of things that seemed not to make sense, but made one whole and dreadful picture. Back on Earth, humans had used petrol a bit too. He had found a puddle of petrol once. Minke wondered dreamily that he only recognised the resemblance now between the puddle in the forest, and the puddle on Earth 8 years ago. A lot of things have passed since then, thought Minke. No wonder I forgot.He remembered he had thought it was pretty and rolled in it. A mischievous little boy had thought him pretty as well, and decided to set him alight. If his older brother didn't stop him, Minke would not be here today. Then Minke saw horrors. He remembered the Third World War on Earth, of which he was a war victim. Sometimes his dreams came back to haunt him, of exploding bombs and that thing they called 'nuclear'. That was why he had left Earth. Then it dawned on him. He knew now why the boss and Lop Lopian 3 had wanted petrol. It would have given them power over all Lop Lop, since no one could sense it. But if Lop Lopian 3 found out about nuclear... Minke shuddered in his sleep. He suddenly began to feel the pain in his side. He began to wake up...


Minka stared down the barrel. Goodbye Life, Minke and everything, she thought. It was nice knowing you all.Things seemed to move in slow motion. Minka couldn't breathe. Lop Lopian 3 fired. Minka fell back, and opened her eyes. I'm not dead. I thought he was going to kill me. What's going on? Minka was stuck underneath a glowing, pulsing green net of some kind.

"You are too low to die a quick death," announced Lop Lopian 3 arrogantly. Minka stared helplessly at Minke, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. "I will kill you slowly, and long before you die, you will be begging for my mercy."

Yep. thought Minka. He's definitely insane.

"But," Lop Lopian 3 looked at her slyly. "I will let you live on one condition. You will fawn on me day and night, and be my eternal servant. Oh, and you have to kiss my feet as well."

"I will never serve and evil, stuck-up, arrogant brat like you. Never!" she spat. "And as for your feet..." She shuddered. "I'd rather kiss a cave-creature than you, traitor."

Lop Lopian 3 looked shocked, but then covered it up with a sugary smile. "Now, now. No insults. As you're about to die, I might as well tell you my plans. Do you know the qualities of petrol?" Minka shook her head.

"Well," Lop Lopian 3 continued, "it is thick, dense liquid and has an unpleasant smell, but you wouldn't know, since you can't sense it. If you set fire to it, it explodes." Minka gasped. Lop Lopian 3 looked at her and savoured her fear. "And what am I going to do to you? Well, something you have never imagined. I will soak you in petrol and let you burn. Slowly." Lop Lopian grinned maniacally.

"No! You can't do this to me! Why?" Screamed Minka.

"I will. Think who's in power when you go around calling people purple elephant slimes. Not that you will be able to anymore, though." Lop Lopian 3 pressed auto-land(the ship was still hovering, after all this time), and picked up one of the containers filled with petrol. Ceremonially, he began to pour the petrol over Minka. Minka struggled, but she couldn't move. Lop Lopian 3 had changed the setting to paralysis. That meant the net was now blue. "You know what I need the petrol for?" shouted Lop Lopian 3, working himself into hysteria, "I will gather all of it from all the petrol mines, in Lop Lop, and get some from Earth when the war stops. I will have power over all of Lop Lop!" Lop Lopian 3 cackled hysterically. "All Lop Lopians will bow before my will. ALL OF THEM!!!"

"Even me?" asked Minke. Lop Lopian 3 whirled around. Minke was standing there, slightly unsteady on his feet, wearing one of those Lop Lopian guns that require no hands. "I will shoot if you harm her. Get away from her."

Lop Lopian 3 giggled, he was so hyped up. "You won't really shoot me. The sparks of that will light up the petrol."

Minke pointed the gun at him. "It won't. Trust me. Get away from her."

Slowly, Lop Lopian 3 backed away from Minka. He narrowed his eyes. "You will never win. What ever you do, you will lose something. If I die today, you will lose someone as well. I promise you that. As Minke connected the dots, Lop Lopian 3 pulled out a match, lit it and threw it at Minka.

"Minka!!!" cried Minke. He watched in slow motion, too stunned to move, as the match went up, and slowly fell down...

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