Hells Bells

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Seth panted loudly as he sprinted down the fiery halls, sweat running down his pale face as footsteps echoed behind him. His heart pounded loudly as he jumped up trying to get a hold of the solid flames that surrounded him. Ripley’s shouts followed him, instructing him what to do as he pulled himself over the scalding hot flames.

Panic erupted inside of Seth as a hand gripped his leg while he tried swinging it over the ledge. Violently trying to shake the hand off, Seth kicked the hands owner in the face. A piercing scream rang out through the darkness, the hand letting go of his leg. Jumping over the ledge Seth landed with a thud on the hard earth. Staggering a bit, he ran towards the path that leads to the exit.  The others weren’t far behind as they too scaled the walls of flames, in close pursuit of him.

Grim determination was set on his face as the big iron gates came into view. Seth threw himself against the gates, burning the bare skin exposed from his black leather jacket as he did so. Seth pushed against the gates kicking at them and muttering curses under his breath. A hand grabbed Seth’s shoulder pulling him away from the gates, Ripley stood before him his black eyes narrowed and empty while he kicked and threw himself against the gates in attempt to help Seth. Standing back from the gate Ripley threw all his weight into kicking the gate one last time. The bolt shattered, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Pushing against the heavy gate with their shoulders the two boys opened the gate and Seth threw himself through it while Ripley pulled the gate shut behind him just as the others rushed towards him. As the gate closed Seth breathed easier but didn’t allow himself the luxury to relax just yet.

Seth yelped as an unexplainable force pushed his slim yet muscled body towards the ceiling and pulled him through cascades of dirt, suffocating him. Seth’s body burst out of the ground and he landed in a heap on his stomach next to a gravestone. Gasping for air Seth spat out dirt that had filled his mouth. Rising slowly Seth groaned in pain, dirt nearly covering him from head to toe. Stretching his arms out in front of him he inspected his already swelling burns. Swearing loudly he noticed the echo of hells bells ringing out behind him.

Trudging down the dark near empty street Seth kept his gaze down at the concrete path his crimson eyes narrowed. A drunken old man staggered past hollering at him, Seth grabbed him and threw him against the nearest building. Seth pushed his black hair out of his face as he walked off ignoring the now injured drunk old man. Seth remembered the street he was walking down from when he was younger and marvelled at how much it had changed over the years. A park appeared in front of him and he sat on a hard park bench, which offered no comfort whatsoever. Seth glowered when he heard footsteps and looked up; a girl walked past wearing an odd combination of a black cocktail dress and black converse sneakers, her blonde hair slightly glowing in the light produced from the lamp post. She looked Seth straight in the eye for a brief moment before looking away frowning and going back to her thoughts. Seth’s eyes followed her until she was out of sight, having turned a corner. Lying back down on the bench, Seth fell asleep, dreaming of ringing bells.

  Unlocking the front door to her home with her set of keys Ava entered cautiously as the sound of yelling hit her followed by a loud cry. Rushing down the hall to the basement door Ava barged through to see her five year old sister sitting up in bed bawling her eyes out. Ava sat on the bed next to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulder. Once her sister stopped crying and lay back down Ava tucked her in kissing her on the forehead. Walking back up the stairs where the yelling took place Ava found herself in the middle of a screaming fest involving her mother and the latest boy toy of hers. “Shut the hell up!” Ava screamed at her mother “If you didn’t notice your five year old daughter was crying because of you!” Her mother glared at her and so did the guy.

“This is none of your business Ava, go downstairs” her mother said angrily

“You’ve made it my business by waking up Fay, you know when I get home from working my arse off to support this family the last thing I want to do is sort your shit out and have to put Fay back to bed because of it”

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