A Face From The Past

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Ava stared after Seth, clearly confused. Castiel stared at her worried “Ava I’m goin’ away for a few days, the boss has rostered a new guy to work with ya. Boss said his name is Rigby”

“Ok” Ava said vaguely after nodding, still looking at the space that Seth had occupied moments before. 

“Can you handle things without me?” Castiel asked “Like our new friend we’ve made, like your mother?”

“Yeah sure” Ava muttered. Castiel looked at her with a sceptical look on his face.

“Are you even listening to me?”

“Huh?” Ava said, staring dumbfounded at Castiel who wasn’t very impressed.

“Are you going to be fine without me?”

“Why? Where are you going?”

Castiel groaned and muttered obscenities to himself “What is wrong with you? You seem out of it today, have you been takin’ drugs?”

Ava scowled at him “Excuse me? Don’t be silly Castiel, I would never and I asked you a question first”

“I’ve got some… business to take care of. I’m taking a few days off and a new guy has been rostered on to take over my shifts”

“Do you know the guy?”

“Nope never heard of him, I think the boss said his name is Rigby”

“Strange name, don’t you think Castiel. Ripley. Huh.”

“Ripley?” Castiel frowned “That was his name, strange”


“Never mind” Castiel said shaking his head.

 Ripley kept staring at Seth with his dark eyes, as if he was studying him. Seth kept ranting on and on about the plan, scolding Ripley for disobeying him, and it was boring Ripley who was just about to fall asleep on the park bench. “I can’t believe you didn’t listen Ripley, it’s too dangerous out here for the both of us. An angel could find us; it’s easier when we are separate”

“What makes you think we will be separated? I’m no idiot Seth; I know what the humans are like-“

“But you don’t know what demons are actually like!” Seth yelled, his crimson eyes glowing in anger.  Seth ignored the stares from people walking past and Ripley glared at him “What makes you think you know?! You’ve only been in there for ten bloody years. I’ve been in there my whole life!”

Seth laughed cruelly at him before walking away scowling. Ripley jumped up and ran after Seth. His fist collided with the side of Seth’s face making him turn his head at an awkward angle. “I was talking to you!”

“So, you’re pissing me off” Seth growled ignoring the fact that Ripley had punched him with a strained effort.

 “You’re not the only one who gets pissed off, Seth. Stop being such an arsehole, without me you wouldn’t even be out here” Ripley hissed, storming off away from Seth. Leaving him alone, Seth headed off in the other direction, away from the gossipy eavesdropping humans.

“Hello, Seth” a cold bone chilling lazy voice said, echoing towards Seth from a dark alley. Walking over to investigate, Seth peered through the darkness “Hello?”

 “We’ve already gone over the hellos Seth, remember me?” the voice said as a hand pulled him into the alley. Staring horrified Seth tumbled to the ground, eyes never leaving the demon’s mutilated face. Nodding Seth got up and brushed the dirt off his clothes “Asheina” Seth said hiding the grimace he always got from looking at her scarred face. Asheina’s face was pretty once, but after a hell hound clawed at her face it became something you wished you’d never seen. “Is Athena with you?” Seth asked and Asheina scowled. “Don’t mention that horrible name ever again, unless you want me to kill you” Asheina threatened coldly.

 “What do you want?” Seth asked sceptically. Asheina grinned evilly making Seth shudder; it wasn’t a nice picture seeing Asheina smile, if you could call it that. The mutilated pink skin which was her mouth shot up at an awkward angle giving the appearance of a grimace. “I want information”

“What kind?” Seth asked, eyebrows raised.

 “I want my face back. Do you know how hard it is to live in this stupid place with a face like this?” Asheina hissed, pointing to the mutilated mess of flesh that was her face.

 Seth laughed cruelly “You can’t get it back. I don’t have it”

 “You know what I mean Seth” Asheina said rolling her eyes, as if she was talking to an idiot. 

 “Are you sure about that?”

 “Stop acting like an idiot, Seth. You know what I can do” She said, stepping forward menacingly so her lopsided violet eyes seemed to bore right into Seth’s, “And you also know I won’t hesitate to kill you”

 “Asheina, we all know you won’t purposely kill me. We share too much history”

 “Exactly why I should get rid of you” Asheina spat, breaking eye contact with Seth.

 “Come on, Asheina, if you really wanted to kill me, It would’ve happened already”

 Glaring at Seth, Asheina turned away before muttering something to Seth. 

 Ripley stormed off towards Rose Spriggs where he knew he’d find some peace within a bottle of vodka. Sauntering through the open door, he found an empty barstool and claimed it for himself. “What can I get for yah?” Ripley looked up and was surprised to see the blonde that had bumped into him standing behind the bar. Ripley flashed her a roguish smile “Vodka, just straight”

 “Okay, coming right up” The blonde murmured, shaking her head a bit as she walked to the tap.

 “You new around here?” She asked after handing Ripley the drink.

 “You could say that”

 “Come again?” The blonde asked, her enthralling blue eyes shining with curiosity.

 “I’m going to be working here”

 The blonde looked confused for a second before the pieces fit into place, “Oh, you must be Ripley. I’m Ava; I’ll be working the shift with you”

Ripley took her outstretched hand and shook it, thinking how peculiar the action was “Well, looks like you’ll be showing me the ropes.”

 “She won’t be the only one” A voice said from beside Ava, only loud enough for the three of them to hear. “I’m Castiel. You’ll be taking over my shifts” He said while eyeing Ripley from head to toe, almost suspiciously. Noticing the action, Ava pushed Castiel away playfully. “Good to meet you Ripley” she said before walking off to serve a new customer. “I wouldn’t get drunk if I were you” she said watching him skull the rest of his vodka.

 “Trust me I won’t” Ripley muttered


 “Never mind”

 “Heh you too, she’s not always like this” Castiel said walking over placing another vodka in front of him.

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