Chapter One

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Stormy Eyes's POV

I STOOD AWAY from her, in a place she couldn't see me. She was chatting with some friends of hers in the public library. She never knew when I watched her. I liked it that way. Makes it more interesting, more thrilling when she thinks she sees me, and I duck away before she can.

She didn't know who I was. I liked that too. I planned on keeping it that way. For now, at least. I didn't want to approach her yet.

I pulled my hood closer around my head, so she wouldn't see my face. It's not like she would recognize me anyway, if she did happen to see me. I was far enough away to make sure of that.

"Kai did the stupidest thing today," she said, laughing. I smiled when she did. I loved the way her laugh sounded. I loved everything about her.

Especially her eyes. They were beautiful. A perfect mix of blue and green, like the ocean, with no waves, nothing to put a mark on its beauty. They shone when she smiled, twinkled when she laughed. They were gorgeous.

So was everything else about her. But she wouldn't know I thought that. Because I wasn't going to tell her. As I said, I wasn't planning on approaching her for a while.

We had a lot of classes together. But she never noticed me. Because I hid myself. I didn't want to be noticed. So I didn't let myself be.

She waved a goodbye to her friends and left the library. I waited a few minutes, feigning looking through the books on the shelf in front of me, then left as well. I found her easily when I walked out of the building. She was headed toward her house, ear buds in as she walked. I followed behind her, but far enough back that it wouldn't seem suspicious. We lived close to each other anyway, so I was technically heading home as well.

I watched her as she went on her way. Even the way she walked was perfect. I don't know how to describe it any other way than that.

We were getting closer to her house, and I had to leave for now. We didn't live on the same street, and if she saw me following her, things would go downhill pretty fast. So I broke my gaze on her, and turned toward my street, heading home. When I walked in the door, my mom greeted me. "Hey, honey. How was your day?" She chirped.

"Fine, Mom." I muttered, climbing the steps. I went into my room, shut the door, and threw myself onto my bed, so that I was facing the ceiling.

Tomorrow was another day at school, another day I would get to see her, watch her.

I had come home late after being in the library for so long, and it was almost seven. The sunlight was already starting to fade, and I felt my consciousness slowly going with it.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep thinking about her.

Especially her eyes.

Eyes like the ocean.


Hey! Taylor here!

So, here's the first chapter of the collab! I hope you enjoy it!

I know it's short, but it was just a little introductory chapter, and anything I write in the future should be much longer. :)

Also, excuse any weird typos and mistakes. Even when I proofread, I tend to miss a few. :)

The next chapter will be written by sapphire_raichu, so look out for that! (Seriously, though, she's a phenomenal writer. You'll definitely want to read her chapters. And the story on her profile. Do it. Really.)

Okay, well that's it for now. I can't wait to hear your feedback!

Until next chapter,

Byyee, loves!!


Tammi, it's your move. ;)

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