Open up, Tyler.

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*Tyler's POV*

Ah damn. School contains way too much drama for my well-being! I might as well just stay at home, Netflix and chilling with someone. Pfft. I am quite a player, the whole school knows...My old school though. Well, everyone else doesn't and it will certainly not stay that way for long. It's hard to control my hormones at times! Stacey is dating me for the attention, obviously. Haha! We all know Stacey is some two faced bitch. Shit, I am such god damn hypocrite, but does it look like I care? All the girls would KILL to date me. I don't really care bout my cocky behaviour, no one can change who I am.

And I mean it, no one.

My wealthiness is kept aside. It is something no one other than me and my family know about. So why exactly is this?  The girls are already all over me for my looks, they will rade my house for my money if I told anyone else! Yeah yeah, my father happens to be the chairman of LV. I'm guessing you'd expect us to have a colossal mansion, full of goods and shit like that. And you aren't wrong! I still need a normal house everyone else at my new school has though, I can't have them ruining my fresh sheets on my luxurious bed, don't I? So I just decided to buy a random one on some random street.

So why am I in this area and not in some place like Mayfair? You know it, Surrey isn't a place for someone like me. I felt that I needed to get away from all those snobby rich girls, they're all fucking plastic! Like come on, is that really necessary? I want some naturals. 

It really isn't obvious I have cheated on Stacey with like 100 other girls already. Damn, how blind is she? Can she not tell I am faking some shitty act? It's stupid really, my acting really is crap as hell.

Recently, I met a girl named Blossom. I am such a fucking flirt lmao. I met her in a cafe, and we got on really well. Ended up bringing a girl home about 10 minutes after leaving her though. Right I sound like a bit of an idiot, but I promised myself  I'd never fall in love ever again. Being a player wipes away my thoughts of what happened to my relationship with the most perfect girl on earth. I believe we were a power couple! 

So yeah, no one would expect me to stay committed to a relationship any time soon ☻. 

Okay fine. My promise might get broken. I am actually waiting for the right girl to come across my eyes. Will she come round the corner already? I'm getting impatient with my life right now!


Authors note:

Damn! Tyler has opened up to all of us and now we know the real him! Will he actually continue being like this? Could someone actually change his player-like attitude?

Wow! It is hard to believe Tyler is one of the most richest people in the WORLD! His father being the chairman of LV.. That's a bit extreme, don't you think?

I thought writing this chapter was essential so that we could all know Tyler's background, and think about what would happen next!


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