his story

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So here is the update finally....enjoy reading 😊😊😊

Manik's point of view

I opened my eyes and found my self on hospital's bed and in hospital's clothes I looked around to find some similar face but there wasn't one

My wounds are paining like hell...that idiot goon have almost killed me and nandini

"Wait nandini...where is she...is she ok..."was the only thing roaming in my mind

When I notice someone entering from the ward door

Haah finally it was cabir

"Dude...how I am here...how you reach there and where is nandini...is she ok...everything..." I started talking non-stop so unlike me...god this girl is rubbing me off

"Chill bro...why are you getting so worked up....so suno kahani lets go in the flashback" he said and I nodded

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Navya received call of nandini...but the voice was not clear...then nandini came in the network and she was talking to her...nandini was telling her about she being stuck with manik on a highway...navya was about to ask something when she heard nandini's panick voice

"Listen what are you doing...lemme go...help help....manik help" she was shouting when her mouth was shut by one of the goons and she was being dragged from there

Navya was continuously shouting nandini's name but maybe bcoz of the rift her mobile fell from her hand

Navya in not time called manik but as manik was finding nandini and his mobile was in car so he didn't answer

Then navya called cabir and told him about the whole scenerio

And in no time navya and cabir gang came with police at that location but it was little late bcoz the person had already pierce the knife in manik's back and he was attacking nandini

When police came and hold him and saved you both

*Flashback ends*
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"Nandini got some bad cuts and she was also unconcious when we took you both to the hospital...she is in the next ward....and navya is also with her" cabir completed the whole story

Manik sighed in relief that they reached there and saved them...otherwise it could be the last day of their life

"But dude...what were you doing I mean risking your life for a girl you hardly no...what happen to you mr malhotra" cabir asked confusingly

"Cabirrrr...yaar you know me...I cant see anyone in pain...and she is my mom's guest so thats why" I try to reason him...well maybe to myself also

Because when I saw her being dragged by those goons...it wasn't only the feeling of pity or something....it was something different dont know why I felt I should protect her from this world....I need to be her side in her needs...well it was pretty confusing

"Yaar I want to see her if she is ok or not...she really saved me...somehow" I said to cabir

"Are you crazy look at you...your wounds are very deep you need rest...you cant go" cabir said scolding me

"I am fine yaar....I need to see her thats it" I said and with difficulty try to stand..while cabir giving on me helped me

"Thanks" I said when he lead me towards her room

"Bro...tu senses me nahi hai....I think tranquilizer is working" he said sheelpishly

"Yeah maybe" I said with a little pain

"go to your bed yaar...you can meet her later" said cabir sensing that I am in pain

"No..." I was admanat

Finally after more ohhh aaahhh ouch moment we reach the ward in ehich she was admitted

"Go now I wont come...navya bhi hogi...and you know if she will see me she will scold me for no reason" said cabir and I chuckled

"How much you are scared of navya" I tried to pull his legs

"Haha..dont try to act funny...first see your condition...one punch from me and youxwill be in heaven" said cabir trying to threaten him

"Haha aahh ouch...dont be funny cabir" I said laughing loud while I felt a pain in my abdomen

"Ok ok....chill...you just go and see her I am waiting here...but dont waste zyada time ok" he said and I nodded

I slightly open the door and the sight in front of me was enough to froze me on my place

That crazy girl was sitting on the bed folding her legs...munching choclate...and she was ttalking and laughing non stop

My mouth fell open...I mean this girl is crazy...I saw two bandage on her both arms...one on head....and one bandage on her legs...and still she was up with her silly antiques

I sighed...till now I should have guessed that this girl is totally crazy...but dont know why I expect her to be normal...well my mistake I agree....I still remember the first time we talk

I was pissed at cabir for coming late in the practice and he was reasoning but nothing worked when I am angry

So all were trying to hide from me....actually from my anger

Just then I heard my cell phone rings

Firstly I thought to avoid in and then picked up the call

The girl on next side started her non stop chat...she was misuderstood me as cabir....I calmly told her that its wrong number and cuts the call

But she was so adamant...she called back and what she said blew my mind...anger over took me more....she called me PA....like seriously do I look like PA....I was too shocked to react....She said she wanted to talk to cabir....I denied again but the girl was getting on my nerves finally being hell irritated I called cabir

He came in no time after listening my anger filled voice....I gave my mobile to him and he gave me questioning looks but damn I was pissed

Then I heard him taking navya's name...and clarifying that I am not his PA...then I think the call gets cut

I asked him about the girl

"Umm it was some nandini murthy...navya's frnd...she is my fan...she just wanted to talk" cabir explained

But my mind was planning a revenge from that crazy girl who shouted on me...and called me cabir's PA
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In collg I was roaming around when I found a girl with navya....she was new to me and I get close to their table....then I listened to their talk...navya took her name...and now I was sure that it was the same girl.....she was telling that she got admission in our colg

I was happy that now she is in our colg so it would be easy to take revenge from her....but suddenly they vanished and I got more pissed

Then I was partying with my frndz actually I wanted them to know about my revenge thing when mom told me that her frnds daughter is coming....I was in no mood to attend some boring dinner with her and her guest
I started arguing when

the door bell ring....and I opened the door...and found the same girl on the door...a smirk played on my lips...so she is the one....mom's frnds daughtrr...it seems like destiny wants me to take revenge from her....i left them alone....and with my frndz help I started palnning revenge thing

I offered her lift which she took after so much thinking....I can guess that she knows that I know about her...well its confusing I know

I gave her lift and I tried talking her about the fan thing but she shouted on me and I became more furious

Just then out tires also get furious...and it punctures....I was already irritated with that crazy girl who was thinking that it must be plan erghh

Then after that the story is quiet clear but the last thing I know is that this girl is crazy I swear
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Finally manik's point of view
I wanted you to know manik's side also...next chapter will be funny and romantic....😊😊

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