He proposes

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I think these are correct but whatever if they aren't
Y/N - your name
M/Y/N - middle name
L/Y/N - last name


Andy has been acting very strange this pat week and it's making me nervous.
"Y/N do you want to come to this Pierce The Veil concert with me tonight?"
"Of course baby" he pulled me into a long soft kiss. Tonight was the night of the concert I wore a Pierce The Veil shirt, black skinny jeans and doc martins. Andy drove us there. We talked about everything random about anything. The concert was great. Since Andy was friends with everyone in the band we got seats very close to the stage. Andy was disguised. Next thing I know Andy pulls me on his back and piggy back carrys me up to the stage.
"Y/N these past 5 years have been the best of my life, you are amazing, my everything, to perfect for me. So Y/N M/Y/N L/Y/N will you marry me?" He got down on one knee and opened a black velvet box with a gorgeous diamond ring inside.
"Of course!" He slipped the ring on my finger and started to deeply passionately kiss me. He grabbed my hips and spun me around in the air. The crowed cheered, very loud. I was honestly in almost tears. Everyone in the band came up and gave me and Andy hugs. Today was great.

Andy Biersack Imagines (>•<) ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now