Lilliths POV

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*Lillith POV*

As I get off the his to go to school as I normally do I can feel the built up tension in the school as if it were haunted. How I miss my old school over a thousand miles away. I miss all of the friends I had back when I was younger. Now I'm stuck with a psychotic mother that yells at me twenty four seven, who practically hates my guts, and everything that I do. It seems like no matter what I do I'm always doing things wrong. Back where I used to live in Texas everything was better. The only good thing coming here was meeting him the most amazingly perfect guy ever. Gerard Way. I wish I could tell him exactly how I feel. How much I love him how much I care for and admire every little thing about him. His perfect black shaggy hair cut into a short black mangle. His beautiful eyes, he thinks His weight is bad but he's as amazing as i know he is. As I quit say dreaming and look over to my left my bangs get caught in my eye and I can barely see three guys standing on top of someone. As I sweep my bangs out of my eyes I scream at the sight of Gerard on the ground almost blacking out. " HEY!", I yell. "STOP HURTING HIM!!!!! I run over to him and punch John in the arm and back the other two away from him. "Pick on someone your own size", I say. "Leave him alone or I'm gonna kick your ass! Once they left I helped Gerard up and hugged him to make sure he was okay he assured me with a slight sigh or relief. "Gerard next time please for the sake of me just run away and get me or a teacher", I say. " Lillith look after school when we to to the library I have to tell you something. "Okay", she says smiling...

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