Chapter 2
Cassidy's POV
After school I drove strait home. I had and I kid you not two pounds of homework to complete by tomorrow.
"Welp better get started" I sighed lugging myself up the stairs and down the hall into my room.
I dropped my bag onto the floor and fell backwards onto my bed.
~Buzz Buzz~
I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my iPhone to revile I had '1 new message from 1-321-670-7690'
(A.N fake number..)
I unlocked my phone and read,
"From 1-321...: hey it's James thanks for the number.. J .x"
I sighed, I liked James he was cool but like I said not a people person.. I deleted the message and tossed my phone onto my pillow..
"Homework time.." I grumbled pulling myself off the bed. Finding myself crawling across the floor after my bag.
~*~*~After hours of painfull homework*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Bubbling in the last answer I dropped down onto my books with a sigh. My fingers felt crampt and my eyes painfully stinging from not blinking as often.
~Buzz Buzz~
I groaned and pulled my phone up from beside me. Unlocking it I saw I had a new message. The number looked familiar.
From 1-321...: "Hey? Um did you get my text.. Is this the right number?"
I laughed realizing it was James. Suddenly a devious smirk formed from my lips, I have a plan..
"Umm hello yes you might have the wrong number.. Please stop texting" I sent still grinning. Now I have James off my back for the rest of the night.
With a yawn I decided I would call it a night. After I finished packing up my school bag and switching into pjs I slipped into bed and switched off my lamp.
"Ahh goodnight" I whispered before shutting my eyes and falling asleep.
Hey lovleys so short chapter sorry but I have a very important announcement..very.. ~WARNING: if you are not a "Directioner" please do not send hate for this announcement~
Well we all know Liam has a gf named Sophie!! But sadly he has been getting hate from other 1D fandoms. It broke my heart when he tweeted "#Done" after all he has done for all of us we let him down. I need all you wonderful guys and gals to make sure Liam knows he is supported and loved so very very much. But don't just direct it towards him direct it towards every single stinking 5 of them. Tell them each how special they are to you. Find some wacky way to deliver the message!! We watched them grow up we where right there beside them during their x-factor additions crossing our fingers praying that they would make it through..they did! But look at us now. Zayn is getting married..Louis is still with
Eleanor possibly getting hitched sometime soon. Liam has a gf, Harry won hottest male and Niall got his cute little braces off. They are growing up! But we are growing too we can not be jelouse of Sophie, parrie, Eleanor or any future girlfriends of one direction. Be happy that they are happy.. Show them you care and that you are there for them..honostly my world would fall down around me if those same 5 goof balls from the stairs lost all hope. So blow up their tweets with love pictures and old memories. Tell them your there for them and you love them no matter how strong the pain.. ~Tears up~ because we are Directioners!! We stick together through thick and thin! We stick with the boys for better or for worse! SHOW THEM! show them every single day.
-Logan <3 .xx

My High School Love (ON HOLD)
RomanceCassidy Rea was a shy quiet girl most of the time until a certan someone taught her to lighten up and to love. Will Cassie find the love if her life? Or will she be lead through heart break and misery.. Read "My High School Love" to find out!