Jame's POV
Jolting awake with a slight gasp, beads of sweat rolled down my tempals and my dark brown hair stuck to my forehead. I looked over at the clock. 2:30 it read.
"Uggh" I groaned kicking my covers off. Sitting up to grab a shirt that was laying on the floor to whipe my sweat.
I kept haveing the same dream. It's dark. I would look around frantically for a way out. Moaning I would hear moaning and a woman tied to a chair covered in cuts, gashes and blood. Blood everywhere. I would just run into the darkness the never ending dark Abbas until I found the same door every time.
Pushing the dream to the back if my mind I slowly laid back onto the bed. It took a while until I fell asleep.
I shot strait up at the sound of my alarm, shirt soaked with sweat. With a sigh I dragged myself downstairs for breakfast
"Morning!" My little sister Morhan greeted through spoonfuls of Cheerios.
"Morning" I replied kissing her forehead.
Her name is Morgan Danielle Derrak
6 years old. We had a pretty good relationship don't really fight. Well unless she throws a fit and hates everyone for about 15 minutes.
Sitting at the table I grabbed the cereal box and dumped some into the bowl.
"Your up!" My mom's voice was heard jogging into the kitchen.
"Yep" I said through a mouthful of Cheerios.
"Great so you can watch you sister wile I go for a run" mom said jogging in place.
I groaned and threw my hands up.
"Mom I'm meeting Dustin at the mall today he needs new Jordan's!" I protested.
"Take Morgan I'm sure she would love to play at the little play area." She finish jogging past and stopped at the door. "Have a great day sweet hearts!" She then blew a kiss before heading off.
I sighed pulling Morgan out of her chair and told her to go her dressed.
She nodded obediently and ran upstairs.
"Hello? Dustin?" I asked through the phone.
"Hey!" He said back, "what's up?"
"Is it okay if Morgan comes along mom just kinda dropped her into my care.." I answered slowly.
"Sure! I love little Morgan porgan! Her and Macy can play." He cooed.
"Oh dude don't be wierd, and sounds great see yah in a bit." I finished hanging up.
Slugging up the stairs with a huff I arrived to my room, pulled the door open and crashed inside slamming it behind me.
Cassidy's POV
"Cassidy?" Mom called from my door.
"Hmm yeah?" I looked up from my book.
"You said you were going to the mall? Well I decided to give you a bit of cash for some new cloths." She rambled while makeing her way and sitting on the bed beside me.
"Great thanks mom" I smiled then returned to my book.
"We'll, I'll leave it right here" she mumbled before leaving the room. I stood up and grabbed the money off my night stand and slipped it into my bag. Makeing my way to my closet I flipped the switch and began to get ready.
Jame's POV
~Knock Knock~
"Comeing!" I yelled.
"Morgan put your shoe back on now!" I ordered.
"NO!" The sassy six year old yelled.
"Put on you freaking shoe or I SWEAR MORGAN I WILL MAKE YOU!" I shouted at her only for her to burst into a fit of years and fall flat onto the floor.
~Knock Knock~
"JUST COME IN!" I yelled.
The door creaked open as Dustin and Macy entered.
"What's going on?" Dustin asked leaning against the door frame.
"She's haveing a fit again.." I said quietly.
"Mogan!!" Macy squealed dashing from the door to Morgan's side.
Continuing to sob Morgan slipped her shoe on and reached for Dustin.
"No you walk like a big girl?" He told her but frased it as a question.
With a shake of her head, a sniffle and big eyes he gave in picking her up and tossing her onto his shoulders.
"Let's go.." I mumbled a bit jelouse that my sister preferred Dustin over me.
We all piled into his mom's van and soon we drove off.
Cassidy's POV
This is cute! I held up a small black and white skull shirt with short sleeves. Tossing it onto my arm I began to Rome through the tacks at wet seal.
"Will this be all?" The cashier asked scanning my items.
"Yes ma'me" I nodded.
"Fourteen eighty eight" she said looking at her screen.
"Here yah go" I digged in my bag and pulled out a twenty.
"Thank you, your change is five dollars and twelve cents" she handed me a five and two dimes. Grabbing my shopping back I left the store and walked down the large walkway of the mall. All different kinds of smells filled my nose. The pretzel shop's pretzels, the food court, the strong sent of hollister's perfume. Then it all went in slow motion, I walked foreword as a group of running teenagers tumbled ontop of me sending my bag flying and my phone slideing across the floor.
"Watch it!" The blond said who looked younger than I was.
I didn't respond I just laid there my hands gripping my head. I finally gathered myself together and sat up to look around. Every one just went on with their normal business while I sat their right in the middle if the walkway. I got on my hands and knees and crawled to my bag. Sitting in my knees I picked it up, put my arm through the handle and crawled towards my phone. Picking it up to reviel it had a big crack across it, small little chip circled it.
"Crap!" I muttered. My brand new iPhone 5 ruined thanks to some middle school brats!
"You okay?" A voice called from behind me. I didn't answer, I didn't move. A larg hand gripped my waist pulling me to my feet.
I leaped forward and spun around.
"Fine!" I croaked at who I laid my eyes on. A larg cheeky smile spread across his face as he held out a hand.
"James Jones Darrek" he greeted.
"H-hi.." I stuttered.
Sorry for the long wait been bussy with school.. SCHOOL STARTS NEXT WENSDAY!! Eek super exited to see my old friends all while making new ones!! Went cloths shopping and got cute in style stuff from target and k-mart, but enough about my crazy life!!
Wondering what I should do next OHH I know I am now holding a contest. Comment your idea on what should happen in chapter 4 and the best one will get put in the book! Simple enough, great way to get good ideas but from others point of view!!
Vote, comment, share and follow me my lovely's!!
-Logan <3 .xx

My High School Love (ON HOLD)
Roman d'amourCassidy Rea was a shy quiet girl most of the time until a certan someone taught her to lighten up and to love. Will Cassie find the love if her life? Or will she be lead through heart break and misery.. Read "My High School Love" to find out!