Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Is it just me or is that garbage pail moving? It's sort of freaking me out. I was sitting in Starbucks watching a flock of teenage girls running by. One of the garbage pails that sit on the curb is slowly inching it's way into the street. I don't know why there are screaming girls everywhere but I could care less.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Serena Adams I am 19 years old. I am currently living in London. I am actually really smart and I graduated undergrad college this year... not to brag or anything. I'm supposed to be searcing for a job but.. no such luck.

I got up to throw away a napkin when a girl around the age of 16 ran right into me. My caramel frapuccino went everwhere. NOOOO NOT MY COFFEE.

The girl ran out of Starbucks without even apologizing to me. What the actual FU- no I must refrain myself from cursing. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to check it. It was from my sister, Olivia.

Liv: Hey sis Uncle Simon says he needs to talk to you. Come back soon.

I quickly replied with a simple Okay. My sister and I live together. She and I are pretty close. She's only a year older than I am. I cleaned up the spilled coffee as best as I could and ran out the door.

I pulled into my drive way and saw that my uncle's stretch limo was in front of the house. Yes my uncle is THE Simon Cowell. No one really knows that I'm his neice only because I really don't want to be in the spotlight.

I absolutely hate when people stare at me and I have major stage fright so I would be horrible in the spotlight. My sister on the other hand is well known around the world because she is sometimes with uncle Simon a lot.

"Serena, there you are!" I was greeted with a hug from my uncle.

"Hi Uncle Simon. It's good to see you again." He smiles and I smile back.

"So I heard from Olivia that you're looking for a job?" I nod motioning him to go on. "I have the perfect job for you. If you accept it though you would have to move."

"Move? Would Olivia be coming?" He shook his head no. I really need this job but it sounds hard. "What would I be doing?"

"There is a band that I am managing. I don't know if you've heard of them but they are pretty famous. Well one of the band members has caused some pretty bad publicity and we need a girl to pose as his girlfriend and that's where you come in."

My jaw dropped. There is no way that I could be some famous band members fake girlfriend.

"I know it sounds bad but we really need you to do this, please, we are willing to pay a good amount." I just stood there staring at my uncle. He has got to be kidding. I can't act like I'm in love with someone I don't know. Can I?

"His name is Harry Styles," he looks at me expecting me to know him. I shrug. I've never heard of him before. "We talked to him and he has agreed to it so please could you do it? For me?" He gave me a sad puppy dog look and I laughed. He looked rediculous like that. I sigh.

"Fine, Uncle Simon, I will do it." He smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you so much! You need to pack though. We are leaving in two hours." WHAT TWO HOURS?!? How am I supposed to pack in two hours.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the place they are staying at. They are starting tour in a couple days and you are going to go with them. Maybe I will regret the decision of agreeing to this. I don't even know what band this is!

I ran upstairs to pack my clothes. I made sure to pack my iPad and some notebooks. I have a secret passion of writing and I love to write stories. No one knows about them though, not even Olivia.

Uncle Simon came up telling me that my two hours were up right when I was zipping up my last suitcase. I had two giant ones one little suitcase and my purse.

I ran to Olivia to hug her. "Liv I'm going to miss you!" I said into her hair. She is a lot shorter than I am her being 5'2" and I'm 5'5".

"Don't worry, Uncle Simon said I can visit when you make you're first stop so I will see you in maybe a week!" I hug her again.

Uncle Simon pulled me away telling me that it was time to go. I gave one last look at my house and said goodbye to old life.


Well this is the first chapter!! I hope it's good please comment what you think :D

It's short but only because it's like the intro!!

And don't worry I wont make it as cliche and predictable as it seems!!! There will be so many twists!!!!!



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