Lack of Faith and Spirituality

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It was at a young age that I began to question the truth of the Christian religion. Though I was young, I still stand by the ideas and thoughts that I had. Here's my reasoning:

One, history is a funny thing when you're learning it in school. We're told that religion and school must be kept separate unless it is a Catholic school; however, many textbooks that are given to students include many different forms of religions and beliefs around the world, Christianity being one of them. It is common to find the history of one religion or another and occasionally to find the fall of that religion. But what strikes me as odd, is that there is minimal recorded history on the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ.

It came to my attention that there was a section of information missing from the timeline in our history text book. All that was stated in the time period that B.C. ended and A.D. began was a marker stating when Jesus was born and when he died. If the bible is to be true, then Jesus Christ died and was resurrected at the age of 34. Meaning that 34 years had been neglected to be recorded in the history book. I do not know if this was to keep religion and school separated, or if it was because there was no recorded witness to the life of Jesus Christ.

The bible was written strictly by the hands of men who were "touched by God". But who's to say that the bible was not just some made up story that traveled through many time periods? No one. There is no proof that everything was real. If what is spoken of in the bible, then why is it not mentioned in researched and scientific textbooks? It just doesn't make sense.

I mean is it really probable that a man born from a human woman could make water into wine? No, not really. And people cannot just walk across water.

There is so much that is so fake about this Christian religion, that it actually makes me laugh sometimes.

Ever wonder why Christian people say that God loves everyone, but when it comes to gays, or lesbians, or anything "unnatural" they claim to say that the bible states that this is a sin. God cannot possibly "love everyone" if he doesn't love those who are "unnatural" in the eyes of the conservatives. If I'm not to be mistaken, it is said that any sexual endeavors, that are not purely done for reproduction, is sin. With this in mind, it is a valid point to state that all those who have laid with their significant other (without the purpose of creating child) have committed a sin.


My family has told me that no matter what they will always love me. But, considering their religion and how closely they follow it, I doubt (if I ever came out) that they would accept me. It sounds a bit absurd, but it's true. Your mother is supposed to love you no matter what, but what happens when who you are goes against everything that the bible supposedly says? I know that many have been forced out of their homes because their family is ashamed of who they are. Is this really how to be Christian? If so, please sign me up.

No. Being raised as a Christian, I know that everyone is one of God's children. And that everyone is loved by God. If what I know is true, many people try to be as close to God and Jesus as they can, sometimes going to the extreme of embodying who they think he is. If this is actually done, then why are there so many people who hate so many others? It doesn't make sense to me.

My grandmother used to be the most religious person in my eyes. As I've grown up, I've realized that its all a facade. It isn't real. None of it. Most of the Christians I know are one person when they enter a church, and another outside of the church. Aren't you supposed to live the way that the religion speaks of in and out of church? Or am I mistaken?

Are you starting to see why I'm so against religion? I think some of my points make it clear enough.

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