2. Murder

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"If you're reading this... Congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is"

- Chad Sugg (Monsters Under Your Head)


Recap :- So I try pushing it open and luckily it opens. Then, I see the most painful scene I would have ever witnessed in my life. This time the pain stings me more than my parents death. The tin of Nutella falls from my hands and makes a loud sound.

Julie is lying motionless on the floor with blood everywhere around her.
Her throat, her legs, her hands - everything slit professionally. It is so professional that even the world's most renowned CBI officers will not be able to find out any evidence. I check to see her heart beats but they are frozen. I try to shake her but still she shows no signs of movement. I'm praying that this should all be an act. She should be joking. I pray that she will magically appear and comfort me. Tell me that she was all good. But none of this happens. She is completely still. No signs of anything except blood.

And then I scream. I scream so loud that my voice echoes through the room. Even the door creaks a little. I scream as if something hard is strangling me, but you cannot blame me. She was my only family. I never expected that her fate would be like this. Some people may have heard me screaming so they come running inside. One person informs the police.

I am crying so much that most of the amount of water in my body must've probably reduced.

It was probably around five hours when I had seen her last and now she was not alive? Is that how fate welcomed me?

Later, Daniel is rubbing circles on my back in order to calm me down. But how can I ? I had finally almost gotten over from my parent's death. But then my sister???

What have I done to anyone in this world that I had to suffer these things ? Wasn't I good enough? What kind of Karma was this?

*The Interrogation*

The police officer hands me a glass of water and then starts interrogating me. First they are hesitant about Daniel's presence in the room but he insists in order to give me company and not leave alone.

They ask me, "Did your sister have any enemies? "

It doesn't take me a second to reply that, "No she never had any. Everyone loved her presence"

The police ask me questions like 'Was she involved in drugs', 'Did she have any boyfriends' or 'Were there any relatives who hated us'.

I answer all of his questions without any hesitation. Then they start inspecting the house. But they cannot find anything worthy of their interest. Everything about this murder is so damn professional. The only sight that can be seen is of Juliana's blood. After an hour, they leave.

I drag myself onto the sofa and sit there tracing the photo collage which is in my hand, Julie had made it for me. She loved being creative and crafty. She would do all things with perfection and that's why when I was small I used to be jealous of her. I cry tremendously as I recall every moment with her. I still cannot believe that my sister is murdered. The only family that I had is now gone.

Who can even think of killing her? A person who never did anything wrong? Why is life like this? The good people suffer the most while the bad enjoy.

Daniel hugs me and tries to reassure me by telling, "Don't worry Ronnie. Your sister was brave. The police will soon find the murderer."

I embrace his hug and then before I fall into deep slumber I tell him,
"I know, but when you lose a person you love so much, surviving the loss is difficult."

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