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My Mom exits my room after helping me change and I fall onto my bed. Sigh. Why is life so rude? Hasn't it given me enough problems already?

Last week when Sairah told me about the trip I mentally died. But I was reassured when I knew that I could bring someone with me.

I called Kat and Aiden but both of them are busy this week. Kat has two extra credit projects to get done and Aiden has to attend his aunt's wedding. I thought Laila could come but Mom says she's too young. Talk about world record bad timings. 

Mom really wants me to go too. She says that this will be a chance to show the world that blindness doesn't affect me. And then she guilt tripped me into it by telling me how much it would mean to her if she had a daughter who would always get back even if she falls down. I thought she would take my side and tell me not to go but NO she always sides with the other person.

So now I'm stuck with going to Indiana alone. And they leave tomorrow.

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