4: answers

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Zack glares at me, murmuring something under his breath about how difficult I'm being.

We've been standing beside his car for the past five minutes, arguing and now the parking lot is almost empty. Those who have stuck around, are giving us weird looks as we practically shout down each other's throat.

"I'm not getting in that car with you alone," I state stubbornly. For some reason the dumbass won't listen to what I'm saying.

"I told you already," I can tell that Zack's trying his best not to shout in my face. "Lila and Harris already left in the other car. You have no choice but to come with me."

"Call them and tell them that they need to come back then," I fold my arms across my chest.

"Arghhh! You are impossible!"

"I'm being reasonable. It's not like I'm asking you to give me a piece of the moon."

"I'll find you a piece of the bloody moon if you agree to get in the car," he almost growls.

"I don't see why this is such an issue," I say calmly which just annoys Zack even more. I have to bit my lip to stop myself from smiling but Zack catches a hint of my amusement.

"You think this is funny?" he asks incredulously.

I shake my head in an attempt at ridding the smile from my face but it appears despite my best efforts. I just can't help it! Zack  looks so cute with his annoyed pout and drawn in eyebrows that I can't help but be reminded of my little cousin when he doesn't get his way and tries to intimidate us. Baring in mind the kid is only five years old and Zack is seventeen...

He takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye. I immediately sober up, knowing that his calm attitude is way worse than if he was shouting at me.

"Okay then," he states and begins walking towards me slowly. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

Before I have any time to react, Zack sweeps me off my feet and onto his shoulder. The world tilts upside down and I feel all the blood rushing to my head.

"Zack!" I gasp as he begins walking. "What are you doing?! Put me down!"

"Okay," he answers and my feet touch the ground. I barely have any time to adjust to being the right way up again before Zack opens the passenger seat door and lifts me into the car.

"You can't just manhandle me, you know!" I yell but it falls on deaf ears as Zack shuts the door and starts walking around the car to the driver's side.

In an attempt to get away from him, I try and open the car door. It's locked. I watch as Zack unlocks it and gets in smoothly, all the while maintaining his bad boy smirk and smug expression.

"I hate you."

"The feelings mutual babe."

Arghhh! He's such an egotistical jerk and babe, ewwww. I am not, nor will I ever be his babe.


We arrive at the Winters' house and I can't help it when my jaw goes slack with awe. I knew the Winters' were well off but I never imagined them living in a house like this. Hell, I never thought a house as gorgeous as this existed, let alone be situated in our city. I've never seen a mansion in real life but I'm guessing this it what one looks like. I mean they even have pillars outside they're house. Pillars for crying out loud!

I twist my head towards Zack and find him staring at me with a half smile on his face. Weird.

"What?" I question. Do I have something on my face that I'm not aware of? When he notices me looking back at him, Zack quickly fixes his face back into his trademark scowl and I almost think I've imagined the smile.

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