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Luke's P.O.V

If you tell someone you're leaving,what do they say...Well what if that person was your first love?How would you have reacted to your first love telling you they're leaving and that they can't be with you anymore?Well that's what's happening to me right now...The only person I have ever loved is leaving me and I can't do anything about it...Nothing

"Ellie,please you can stay with me,you don't have to move all the damn way to South Africa?"I beg tears streaming down my face
"Luke I can't let my mom go alone!"She yelled at me.She never yells at me .
"Els I'll come with you please"
"Luke I have to go now the plane is leaving tomorrow so I have to go pack.Goodbye Luke"She says kissing me and then walking out the door...

I fall to the floor and start crying loudly not even embarrassed.I can't live without her.
I won't live without her and I can't...I'm going to see her tomorrow again for our final goodbye,and I'm gonna look like shit from all this crying...I need to get over it ,it's happening either way and it is going to suck...

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