Chapter 2: Acceptance.

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~ Billy's point of view-

When Charlie and Tandy got back into the car I knew something was up. Charlie was quieter than he usually is and Tandy looked ready to blow chunks (puke). "Hey, are you sure your okay? You look abit pale" I asked. "I'm fine!" She replied with a little too much enthusiasm. "Hey, so where are we going anyway?" Charlie yelled back in a louder-than-normal voice. "Oh, that reminds me, get out of the car you three. You all can walk" Ace replied as he filled up the car with petrol. "What? Why!?" Tandy asked. " 'Cause I said so" Ace replied simply. "Fuck you! You want us gone so you can go and bang Eyeball in the backseat. Cmon guys let's leave so the lovebirds can have fun riding each other." Tandy replied venomously, climbing over Charlie to get out the door.

- Tandy's point of view-

I lost it, completely. I was just thinking about what Charlie had told me about poor Ray Brower, and then Ace told us that we had to walk, any other day, I wouldn't have cared, just my anger came out at that moment. I climbed over Charlie to get out the car door. "Hey! Who do you think you are!?" Ace yelled at me as I stood by the car. "What are ya gonna do, huh? Gonna hit me? Go on!" I yelled back at him. "Here let me help ya!" I said grabbing his hand and making him slap me softly. "Tandy! What the hell is wrong with you?" Ace snapped grabbing me by the shoulders forcing me to look at him.

-Aces point of view -

I grabbed Tandy by the shoulders to make her look at me, her sea green eyes were filled with tears. "Are you crying?" I asked, loosening my grip on her shoulders. "No! I'm not!" She said turning away from me. By now Billy and Charlie were out of the car. "Tandy, look at me." I stated softly as she slowly turning back to me, tears streaming down her face. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Nothing." She replied. "bullshit! You weren't acting like this until you came back from the store with Charlie... Wait, Charlie! What the hell did you do to my sister you asshole!" Eyeball yelled, and went to hit him. "Nothing! I wouldn't do anything to her!" Charlie replied backing up. "He didn't do anything, I saw my ex... He was kissing my supposed to be friend. That's all" Tandy said wiping her eyes.

- Tandy's point of view-

I wiped my eyes. "Which one? Was it that Johnny guy with the uneven ears?" Eyeball asked. "No, it was Alfie, the jock. He cheated on me last year, him and his gang tried to beat Vince Dejardins up." I lied. "Who was he with?" Ace asked. "Remember that real poshy one I used to talk to? " I replied. "Billy liked her" I added. "Oh, her name was Fran McCoy but we called her Fran mcFatAss because she looked like a whale. " Eyeball asked. "Yeah that's the one" I replied. "Right Ace, get the car started " Eyeball stated, going to the boot and pulling out a baseball bat. "You two" Eyeball yelled, looking at Charlie and Billy. "If you see Vince or the other Cobras tell them to find us." Eyeball stated getting into the car and zooming off.

-Charlie's point of view-

We watched as Ace drove away, I knew why Tandy was really after crying, because of what I said about finding that kids body. She lied so I wouldn't get hurt. I was kind of proud of her, for not wanting me to get hurt. "He's gonna fucking kill him." Billy said, interrupting my train of thought. "I'm so sorry for freaking out guys" Tandy mumbled quietly. "I've just got stuff on my mind" She said turning away from us. "Hey, it's okay. Wanna come back to my place with Charlie and I?" Billy said putting a hand on her shoulder. For some reason I felt a wave of anger wash over me, I have never really gotten jealous over other guys talking to Tandy, out from the time that Johnny with the uneven ears gave her flowers on valentines day and asked her out, he was 16 and she was 14, he probably wouldve tried to do something dodgey if i didnt get Ace to threaten him, but I felt like it should've been me comforting her. "Yeah Tandy, it won't be any fun without you there" I said putting my arm around her. "Fine." She replied, her face going a tad pink. "Hey, let's get going." Billy said, smiling a little at her. At this, I tightened my grip on her and gave Billy a dirty look.

- Tandy's point of view-

When Charlie tightened his grip on me I looked up to notice that he was giving Billy a dirty look. I blushed a little, was he doing that because Billy smiled at me. "Let's go" He said when he noticed me staring at him. "Kay" I replied.

-Time skip to when the arrive at the Tessio house -

"Your house is really nice" I said,as I walked up the steps and stood on the porch. "Thanks, I think it's a load of shit" Billy replied. "Well arnt you a bucketful on sunshine today!" Charlie replied flashing a false smile. "Hey, can I use your bathroom? I'm dying for a pee" I asked. "Sure, it's just at the back there" Billy replied pointing it out. "Thank you" I replied walking off.

- Billy's point of view-

I waited for Tandy to be out of earshot. "Charlie! What the hell is your problem!? Why are you being so cranky when I talk to Tandy?" I whisper- yelled at him. "You know I like her!" He replied defensively. "Yeah, well that dosent mean you own her, your gonna have to get used to the fact that someday she is gonna be married, have kids and a husband. And it just might not be you, and then she won't need you to protect her " I shot back. Charlie went quiet at this. "I know. I'm sorry man" Charlie replied, head in hands. "But it's hard ya know, I've liked her since I met her when i was 5 years old and she was 4. She going 17 and I'm going 18, that's nearly 13 years. And no one but you and I know that." He replied in a broken voice. "I share everything with her but that one detail" he added. "Wait does that mean that you told her about Ray brower?" I asked. ",um... Yeah" he replied just as she walked out onto the porch

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