Chapter 3- Like a Scene from a Movie.

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Chapter 3

*FLASH FORWARD ONE MONTH: Skye is settled in with the boys, and they feel like family now. She doesn't call Louis dad, even though he is the one who is her 'parent'. They all love her. (:

"Wakey wakey!" Harry and Liam screamed jumping on my bed. That's usually how I start my day, two adults jumping on my bed acting like 2 year olds. Gotta love 'em. 

"Guys, guys stop!" I screamed laughing.

I was really liking it herem I still couldn't believe that i was adopted by Louis Tomlinson. I can't believe he refers to me as his daughter! My life is crazy! My twitter has almost 1 million followers..I have fans! I didn't even do anything to earn them! I'm not famous! I couldn't of asked for a better life.

I got up and showered. "Now for my outfit." I said outloud to myself, while I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet. Louis took me shopping when I first got here, now I have so many clothes and shoes! I swear my closet looks like store. I put on a light pink and faded white lace tank top, jean shorts, and white vans. Then I did beach curls in my hair.

I walked downstairs to find the boys all in the kitchen. Harry cooking, Niall eating (of course), Louis reading something, Zayn staring at his phone, and Liam helping Harry cook. 

"Hey guys!" I said to the,. 

"Hey!" They all replied cheerfully. 

"Whatcha cookin'?" I asked. They told me it was waffles, bacon and eggs. Harry's a really good cook, he's usually the one making the meals in this house. 

"So what're we doing today?" I asked after we had all eaten. 

Louis walked over and put his arm around me. "Well babe, we have to go to rehearsals today since we're leaving for tour soon. You get to make your own fun."

He kissed my forehead and walked upstairs, the rest of the guys following. They left about an hour later and said they wouldn't be home for a few hours. Being alone in this house for the first time is kind of exciting! I turned up some music really loud and began exploring this house. I'm just looking around..not doing any harm...alright shut up I know it's wrong. All I'm doing is looking in the rooms, seeing what's around this place. The whole time I've lived here I've never really been in every room, just seen them.

"ANGELS TO DIEEEE." I screamed along with the end of A Team by Ed Sheeran while I was walking downstairs. The whole house is quiet now, since the playlist just ended. "I'll go put on some more music " I said to myself. 

Just then, i heard a crash coming from the kitchen or living room. Something probably fell, I thought. Then there was another one, but this time I heard foot steps. 


"Lou?" No answer.

"Haz?" No answer.

I paused.

"Niall?" Again, no answer.


Another paused.

"Liam?" What a shock, again, no reply. 

"Guys this isn't funny!" 

I was scared out of my mind...I knew somebody was in the house, but judging from the bad feeling I'm getting, it's not one of the boys. Whoever it was wasn't annoucing themselves, but i just had. Whoever it is knows I'm here. I heard running then a door slam. I ran downstairs. The whole place had been ransacked. We were robbed, while I was in the house. I didn't know if they were still here or what door slammed. I was terrified. 

I ran as fast as I could out the front door to get some help, but just then, I saw a large man dressed in all black come running towards me. 

"HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" I was screaming and crying, running through my front yard trying to reach the gate and run to a neighbor's or something to get away and get help. I was running faster than I had ever ran before, but the man was showing no sign of slowing down, so I kept screaming for help, but nobody heard me. The man was catching up, and I was getting closer to the gate. 

"STOP OR I'LL HURT YOU!" he yelled at me. Finally I reached the gate and ran to my neighbor's, but their gate was closed, and locked. The man was catching up quick, so I had to think fast. I climbed the gate. By the time I was over, the man was jumping over after me.  

I bolted to their backyard, where a man and his wife were sitting by their pool.   

"You have to help me!" I exclaimed, out of breath. "Somebody just robbed my house and they're after me! They jumped your gate, call the police we have to get in your house!" The 3 of us ran to the back door, but it was too late, the man was already there.

"DON'T MOVE!" He demanded. We froze. He had a gun pointed at us.

"SIT DOWN IN THOSE CHAIRS" we followed his orders.

"If the police are called I was shoot all of you down right here, and right now! Do you understand me?!" He barked at us. We all shook our heads. The lady was messing with something behind her back, but I couldn't see what it was. The man didn't see it, but I still feared for her. 

"Now you're gonna sit here until I say so, do you understand me?!" Nobody said anything back. 

"I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" He said, shaking his gun at us. We nodded. I could feel hot tears streaming down my face, i've never been so scared in my life. I held the woman's hand as thoughts raced through me head.

10 minutes went by with the man pointing his gun at us, perfectly aimed if somebody were to move. We heard footsteps approaching. 

"STAY THERE" The man said as he walked off to ee what it was. The lady grabbed me and her husband and pulled us into the house, and locked the door.

"It's the police, it's alright. Are you okay sweetie? Are you hurt?" She asked scared for me. She must have been dailing 911 behind her back when I saw her messing with something. 

I couldn't speak, so I shook my head. The police cleared my house and said it was okay to go back home, I didn't want to. I didn't feel safe.

My neighbors, June and Kevin, stayed with me at my house until the guys got home.

Lou walked through the door and I burst into tears and ran into his arms.

"Skye? Baby, what's wrong?" He let go and walked into the living room and found June and Kevin. 

"What happened?!" 

Everybody else had came in and asked in unison. Kevin told the story as I sat in Niall's lap and bawled my eyes out. Louis thanked them and they went home. Louis came over to me and held me. After about an hour, I stopped crying. 

"Skye..I'm so sorry..I shouldn't have leftt you alone. Are you okay?" He said rubbing circles on my back. 

I sniffled and shook my head yes.

The next few days were hard on me. I kept waking up in the middle of the night bursting into tearsm so the boys would let me sleep with them in their beds sometimes. Every time I hear a noise I suspect it's somebody that want's to hurt me. I don't know how long it will take me to get over this. I had seen a robber, looked him in the eyes, ran and was hed at run point. This was all so crazy.

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