Chapter 2

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Amestrid - The Hawk's headquarter

20 hours before setting off

Indoors – State room

Again this room, again that speech, again the lecturer, again the people.

I know this is sort of a compulsory custom before entering the war, but do they really need to talk about the things we are already know?Like how the war is started, or how the Amestrid Kingdom was formed, or how great the King Bradley is, most importantly, how proud The Hawk are and how thoughtful is Count Wyatt to create this force. The war, to me, is just simple as the fight between The Kingdom of Amestrid and "The Sun" Alliance of Nations, or to simplified, it is The West against The East. What we were told is that the continents which used to be Europe and Asia are now battlefield. During the war, to enlarge the territory, Amestrid has sent several armies to the continent known as Africa and convinced them to join the Kingdom. Surprisingly, we succeed without using any bullets. The East is a beautiful land with valuable resources, I guess no one can resist if there were chances to take those treasure. The lecturer goes on to the reason of the war, I figure out that mostly because of natural resources, lands, territories,... We accused them of stealing our land, they said no, then the war was started. What a stupid reason!. Then as usual, we were talked about the history of Amestrid. Nothing much for such a young nation but the people here are really proud of it. We got eight powerful forces, all of them are led by a Count. Three offense forces: The Hawk, The Falcon, The Eagle; three defense forces: The Shield, The Sword, The Arrow; we also got The Eye - the technical force, they are in charge of every technology stuff in the kingdom, including the weapons or battle crafts. To me, they are the most important force. Finally, we have The Wing - the medical force led by Countess Elizabeth, the only female count in the kingdom.

The speech ends with an announcement: dress yourself carefully, some Royal members are going to be here soon.

Another custom, I guess.

Moments later, I hear the sound of the speaker: "Attention soldiers, prepare to welcome the Royal members and Counts, please head to your position and show your respect. All hail King Bradley!". By hearing this, some of my fellow trainees show their excitement, probably because of the appearance of Princess Alicia, as a custom, she comes here whenever we are setting off. I'm not quite interested, though, 'cause I almost see her everyday...

"Line up, soldiers" the commander shouts.

From the main gate, there are five cars coming in, they are all Limousine, both luxury and bulletproof. When the first car reaches the lobby, two bodyguards rush in and open the door. I can see two Counts coming out, then two more in the following car, ... until there are fully eight Counts standing in front of the main lobby. From the inside, I can see Count Wyatt coming out on his typical red suit and a silver swords held on his belt. He greets the other Counts and shakes their hands, invite them to go inside. Soon enough, the last car rushes in, this car has a crown symbol on the back, Royal's vehicle. Everybody bow their heads.

" May I present to all of you", again the commander, "Your highness Princess Alicia von Stauffensberg. All hail to Princess!" he almost shouts.

Everybody say at a time: "All hail to Princess!", this creates such an atmostphere.

The car reaches in, the same two bodyguards open the door, then they quickly bow down. Princess Alicia comes out, she wears a beautiful white gown with some ocean-blue diamonds stitched on each sides. She has a beautiful long blonde hair which is now tied into a round bun, reveals her high neck. The Princess walks slowly to the red carpet, where Count Wyatt is now standing and gives her a kiss in the hand – another Royal customs.

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