Chapter 12

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For the past few days, I'd been feeling incredibly nauseous. I'm vomiting every now and then and I am tired all the time. My breasts are so sore and I can't fit into any of my bras properly anymore. I also have to pee all the time. I don't know what's gotten into me. It's the day we leave for South Africa and I'm hoping this all goes away before we head to the airport later. I know it's definitely not going to, but it's worth wishing for. I text Zoe to meet me at Starbucks in a few minutes with Louise so I can talk to her.

I tell them both about my symptoms and they look at me puzzled.
"Well, I think it's the flu." Zoe says looking up from her phone. She likes to play Doctor Zoe and look up everyone's symptoms on the Internet to find out what illness it could be.
"I don't think it is." Louise seems to be right most of the time though, "Maybe it's PMS?"
"Oh yeah, it probably is. Of course." I say, feeling a bit more reassured now.
"I still think it's the flu." Zoe jokes.
"I won't tell Caspar, I don't want to upset him that I might still be sick on our holiday."
"Good idea, but maybe tell him about it when you're there? He's gonna hear you vomming at some point!" Zoe laughs.

"I'M SO EXCITED! I'M SEEING MY MOM!" Caspar shouts at me on our very long car journey in a rental BMW to his mum's house from the airport in Cape Town. Luckily, Caspar had slept the whole flight 11 hour flight, so he didn't know I was vomiting still.
"Ahhh, my chest really aches!" I let out without thinking.
"When you say chest, do you mean your boobs?" He says cheekily whilst trying to look at the road.
"Yes Caspar I mean my boobs." I joke, then I let out another ache sound.
"Well why are you wearing that bra then?! You practically never wear one when you're around me anyway." He says cheekily again. I give him daggers for joking that I'm some kind of slut around him. "Oh come on that was funny!" It was funny, but I was too busy trying to hold back vomit to laugh with him.

We arrive at his mums house which is on a beautiful river. Caspar grabs my hand, leaving all the bags in the car, and rushes to see his 'mom'.
"Caspar!" She shouts, embracing her son madly, "and this must be the Elle I've heard so much about!" I shoot her a smile, still holding back the vomit. "I'm Emily. Welcome to our home."
"Thank You. It's beautiful, it's so great to be back here after so long."
We walk inside the house after getting the bags out of the back of the car. There is a large Labrador sitting in the living room.
"Caspar, show your lovely girlfriend to your room!" She says to him like he's forgotten the most basic thing to do when greeting guests.
"Oh yeah, come on Elle." He says guiding me to the stairs and up to his room.

A few hours later and it's already 11pm. We'd had a lovely dinner cooked by Caspar's mum and now Caspar is already asleep in his old bed while I talk to Emily down stairs. I feel like I should tell her about my nausea. If it's PMS she'll understand; but right on cue, I have to vomit. I run into the nearest bathroom making it just in time. I come out knowing that Emily saw me run in there.
"What's wrong my dear? I hope my cooking wasn't that bad!" She exclaims jokingly.
"No it was lovely, thank you. I just-" I can't get the words out to tell her. "I've been throwing up a lot recently and I'm tired all the time and I need to pee a lot and..."
"And my breast are really sore." I whisper, so it's not as embarrassing. I've only known this woman a couple of hours and I'm already telling her about my breasts. Great.
"Oh, I know what this is." She says, trying not to smile.
"What?! What is it?!" I exclaim.
"Have you and know?" Well my first impression is going just great. I nod in embarrassment. She smirks at me again.
"Well? Tell me what it is!?" I almost shout at her.

"You're pregnant."

Too Young // Caspar LeeWhere stories live. Discover now