#14 - Rain(bow)

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I was rather cheerful lately because everything seemed to have settled. Every problem seemed to have found a solution. Plus, Suga and I had grown much closer and had started chatting and hanging out more since he last walked me home.
I still had his light blue scarf and I wore it very often, even if Suga's addicting scent was almost gone because of this.

It was a cold February day and I was wearing the above mentioned scarf while walking to school with my brother when suddenly that annoying Kiriya abruptly approached me.
"Hey bitch" she told me in a rude way pointing at me with her crappy finger "You shouldn't have done this. I know whoyou took that scarf from and I assure you I'll make sure you regret it!".
And with this, she made her way towards the gate of our school without waiting for my reply.
I remained silent but I swear my blood reached the boiling point when I saw her bidding Koushi a good morning with her bitchy, now sugary voice and a cheeky smile on her features.
I gripped my fists. It took me an enormous effort not to reach her and punch her shitty face to break her nose.

"[Name], what was that?".
I was startled and gasped at Tobio's inquiry because I had almost forgotten of his presence.
I let out a sigh.
"Nothing" was my laconic reply.
"What's the matter with Kiriya-senpai? And what was she referring to when she said she knew where your scarf comes from?" that morning the dork was more curious than his usual.
At that question, my face began burning at once and my eyes grew wide.
"It's... it's..." I stammered.

"Good morning, [Name]-chan!".
It was Suga, who had finally approached us in the meantime. I let out another gasp and I felt my heart jump right into my throat.
"What's up with Kiriya?" he asked, too. My mouth went dry.
"Ehhh... she was just greeting me!" I let out, without thinking. Worst. Idea. Ever.
"She wasn't, she threatened my sis!" Tobio intruded in the conversation. My face went from red to violet. I really didn't know what to say.
"Is that so? I will have to tell her to stop it, then. Oh, by the way you look pretty with my scarf on, [Nickname]! See you later, I have to go to lesson now" Suga added with a pure smile that made me feel all hot and horny despite the cold weather.
My face went fuchsia with both embarrassment and pleasure across all the rainbow tints and shades.
"So what?!" Tobio inquired again with a suspicious attitude, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
I ignored him and kept staring at Suga. I couldn't help but giggle with an absent-minded look laying upon my face.

My gosh, he's so cute!

*Later, during training session*
I was in the gym training with my teammates, all sweaty in my [fave number] volleyball shirt when I spotted Suga sitting alone on a bench. He wore a light blue baggy sweater and a pair of dark jeans. He had a sport bag on the floor nearby. Probably he had just finished his training session and came over to see us. I let a dumb smile spread across my cheeks.

How cute of him!

I went blank for a couple of seconds, so that I didn't notice the ball rolling towards me and I received it on my face just like Hinata.

Someone in the gym giggled. It was a female voice.
No, not Kiriya again!
We had a little pause and I noticed the bitch sitting next to MY Suga showing me a devilish grin.

You maniac stalker..! The gym is empty, go sit somewhere else, bitch!

They were having a conversation, but I didn't manage to get what they were telling each other. Like enough, she was trying to gain all his attention.
I returned to my training.
[Friend's surname] set me an amazing ball, but it was hard to concentrate and I missed it.
"Stay focused while playing volleyball, Kageyama-chan! What are you thinking about?"
"G-gomen, [Friend's surname]-san, you're right".

I managed to stay concentrated until the end of the training (thanks to Koushi's cheers now and then, too) and then the captain, Michimiya, told us that in two weeks our team was supposed to go on a training camp for three days with the boys'.

This means... a seven-day chance to get closer to him!

I was really excited about the idea and I turned to have a look at Suga. I was thinking of a romantic film-like glance between lovers, one of that looks that are a thousand words worth, but what I saw made my hopes fall out and my mouth go dry.
My ecstatic smile disappeared to leave space to an astonished expression when I saw Kiriya and Suga kissing.
My eyes started filling with tears I did my best to hold back, my skin started to shiver and get cold, my inside body feeling empty but heavy at the same time.

Luckily, the training was over and my teammates were already leaving, so I bid a quick good bye to them and stormed out of the gym into the corridor as fast as light, without even going to the locker room to change myself. I just wore my trousers and volleyball jacket upon my uniform, carried my bag and then ran away. I just wanted to go home.
It was raining outside, but I didn't care. I was so depressed I was even glad to get soaking wet because thus I didn't have to hold back the tears any longer. They would just roll down and get mistaken as rain drops.


"Hello, it's me"...
Sorry for making the last part sad, I'm sobbing, too! 😢
I hope you enjoyed it, tho. If you have, don't forget to vote and comment, please!
Stay tuned for next updates!
Shiri-Chan96 😙

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