#15 - Devilish Flirt

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I got ill because of the rain, so that morning I was stuck at home alone, shivering and sneezing, wrapped tightly in my bed blankets as if I were a taco.
Actually, I was glad to be ill because thus I didn't have to be avoiding Sugawara at school.
I was falling asleep again in spite of the pleasant sun rays coming into my room from the window, when suddenly I heard the doorbell ring.
I didn't feel like doing anything, let alone stepping downstairs, so I ignored it and put my head under my pillow.
After a couple of minutes, though, the doorbell rang again.

Who the hell is ringing so insistently?
I wondered while heading downstairs.
When I opened the door and found out who it was, I tried to slam the door but he stuck a foot between to stop it.

"Please, [Name], let me in... I haven't skipped school to stand outside of your house begging your forgiveness. Let me explain". It was Sugawara.
"Leave me alone. I don't think an explanation is needed here and you don't need my pardon, either. You can do whatever you want and kiss whoever you want whenever you want without asking for my permission!" I exclaimed in response, crossing my arms.
My face was all flustered and I was still sneezing.
"Are you seriously saying that I can..?" he inquired with a strange attitude.
I looked at him in astonishment due to his weird question, but before I could even say anything he was coming closer and closer...
But I stopped him when I started feeling the heath of his skin upon mine.

"WHA-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I asked, completely out of the blue. To this day, I guess I'll never find a logical motivation to my action.
"What's... the matter? D-don't you like- nothing!" he exclaimed in pure embarrassment. He was rubbing his neck, trying to avoid my eyes and his face was scarlet. He stepped back and tripped down on the carpet, causing me to giggle a bit.
I had never seen him like that.
"I'm ill, it's contagious!" I replied, getting pale and feeling my energies fade away.
"I-I know, it's not that I wanted to... I-I mean... I just wanted to check your forehead!" Suga exclaimed while he stood up.
"But... but you're fainting, [Name]-chan!" he added placing hands on my waist "Let me carry you!".

*Time skip*
I woke up what it seemed to me a century later and I couldn't recover at all what had happened until I smelled a feeble scent that reminded me of Koushi. I still had his scarf around my neck and was wrapped again in my blankets... but what made me startle was seeing him next to me. He was fast asleep under my blankets, too.

I noticed he had taken off his jumper and was wearing a thin shirt that let me guess the lines of his body beneath. His shoulders rhytmically moved up and down with his breath. I felt like I was having a nosebleed, but maybe I just needed to blow my nose, who knows?
After that, I kept on admiring his body and face features and realising how perfect they were until I felt the urge, the instinct to caress him.

He's so beautiful...

I got closer to him and held myself into his arms, that embraced me then even though he still was asleep. It was the best feeling ever. He was so warm and I felt protected.
After a bunch of seconds, I felt him let out a deeper breath and move. He held me tighter so that my head was nestled into his collarbone and his head was placed upon mine.

"Hey, [Nickname] are you awake?" he whispered after a yawn.
I pretended to be awaking in that very moment and yawned.
"Suga..?" I whispered with a point of malice "Why are you holding me like that?". I was full of satisfaction like a purring cat.
"I-I don't know, actually... but I kinda like it, don't you?".

He's so pure...

I held him too as a response and this caused him to giggle a bit.
"Yayyy mommy, let's stay like this a bit more!" I exclaimed in a childish way. He sighed and muttered something I wasn't able to hear.
"What?" I inquired parting from his embrace to look at him.
"N-nothing, [Nickname]".
I pouted.
"Don't make that face, I won't be telling you" he laughed. Then he said: "It's a bit hot in there... would you mind if I take off my shirt for a while?".
"W-WAIT, WHAT?!" I felt like my temperature was getting higher and higher.
He let out a devilish grin. "Then, guess this is no problem". Then he unbuttoned his shirt and rested down on my bed nonchalantly with his arms behind his neck.

My hands were feeling itchy because I wanted to touch him so bad but I didn't want to give him this sort of satisfaction, so I just stared trying to hold back my jaw from falling on the floor. In the meantime, he was smirking but acting cool like it was a normal situation.
"Huhmm... S-Suga? Do you know what would happen if my brother came home earlier..? He's just forgiven me for that Oikawa thing..." I whispered. But then my voice came out like a thunder: "NOW THAT I REMEMBER, YOU HAD TO GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION!".

He jolted at first, but then he burst out laughing. I stared at his giggling, angelic face for a while.
"I don't believe there's something to laugh at, Suga!"
"So... You're angry for what happened with Kiriya" he cooed then, causing me to blush violently.
"It's pretty simple... SHE pushed herself onto me and kissed me" he explained. In the meantime, he let his arm land gently around my shoulders.
"My gosh, [Name]-chan... it's so hot in here aren't you feeling hot, too? Maybe you'd feel better if you took off my scarf... and this heavy-looking pajamas...".

Then, he took them off and left me wearing my underwear. I remained silent because of the embarrassment, so he added: "Ne, [Nickname]... do you feel better now- ?". He smirked, but I didn't let him mock me anymore because I abruptly took my pillow and smashed his face with it.

I giggled and so he threw my pillow aside. Then he grabbed me, came on top of me and was leaning upon me again, but I heard some noises of a door being opened downstairs. He stopped, his tempting lips were separated from mine only by a couple of centimetres. My face was all flustered and my eyes wide open.
"It's Tobio!" I exclaimed in a sudden whisper, then I pushed him apart from me, causing him to fall down on the floor and then I threw his shirt and jumper towards him. His clothes ended up upon his head and the result was so ridiculous I couldn't hold back giggling.

"Hey, [Name]! I'm home!" I heard my brother say loud.
Then he started stepping upstairs. Luckily, Suga had already (shoddily) put on his shirt when he got in our room, but he still had his jumper in his hands.
Tobio's glance wandered from a still sneezing me, standing near my bed without my pajamas shirt, to Suga, who stood still in surprise near the window trying to hide his jumper behind his back, and then to my bed and its messy blankets. He looked upset.
"Uhmm... what is going on here?" he asked, after having caught a deep breath, with an unnaturally quiet voice, one hand placed on his forehead and still holding the homework papers for me with the other one.

"Errr..." I tried to answer, going pale.
"I just came round to visit [Name]..! But now I have to go" he explained with a pure smile of his and admirable calmness "See you later to the training session, Tobio-kun! Bye, [Name]-chan!".
Then he got out without waiting for Tobio's reply or for me to lead him downstairs.


Hello guys..! 😄
Sorry for making this a bit long, but I liked writing this chapter a lot :3
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Stay tuned for the next update
Shiri-Chan96 😍

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