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||-Ashley's POV-||

I take shaky breaths as I park my car. I don't think I've ever been this nervous. I take a deep breath then open my car door. I let the summer breeze flow past me. I then close my car door and lock it. I walk up to the Café door. I grasp the handle, I slowly pull it open.

I look around for Andy and spot him in the back. I smile, walking over to the familiar man. His back was turned to me.

"Hello Andrew," I finally say, after taking deep breaths and sitting across from him.

He slowly looked up from his menu and stared at me. A smile then creeps onto his beautiful face.

"Hello there, purdy."

It took me by surprise when I heard his deep voice. I smile back.

"So what do you wanna order? I've heard there cinnamon buns are really good," he asked, handing me a menu.

As I grab it from him my fingertips slightly brush upon his. I blush and I feel my heart racing.

"I didn't know I had a crush on a tomato," he jokes.

I chuckle as a lady comes over with a little notepad to take our orders. She smiles warmly at me and then she gives Andy a look of admiration.

She twirls her hair around her lanky finger while saying, "How may I help you?"

She gave all of her attention to Andy. She then slivers her hand on the table, laying it on top of Andy's. I feel a huge wave of jealously I then blurt a rude comment out, surprising myself.

"He's my boyfriend. Back the fuck off," I snarled.

Her smile then fades into a frown. I turn to Andy to see a smirk on his face.

"I would like...hazelnut coffee, with, uh- a slice of cinnamon bread please," he says.

"Okay, and, you?" she asks glaring at me.

"I'll have the same," I say, smiling.

She nods, walking away. I look back at Andy, seeing him with a playful smile, and his arms crossed.

||-Andy's POV-||

I impatiently tapped my fingers against the small table for two. I didn't know what to expect. Today was the day. I scanned down at my outfit, making sure I looked good. I heard the small bell ring, signaling that someone arrived at the café. I didn't bother looking up, being that there was still five minutes until noon.

I was shocked when a voice spoke from behind me, "Hello Andrew." It takes me a second to realize the familiar person I had seen in many pictures.  Ashley sits across from me, a smile plastered on my face.

"Hello there, purdy.", I slightly smirk.

"So what do you wanna order? I've heard there cinnamon buns are really good.", I asked, handing Ashley a menu.

As he pulls it away my fingertips slightly brush upon his. His face was quick to change into about every shade of red.

"I didn't know I had a crush on a tomato.", I tease.

He lets out a cute bit of laughter. A lady walks over with a small notepad to take our orders. She smiles warmly at me and then she gives me a stare of lust.

She twirls her hair around her skinny finger while saying, "How may I help you?" She gives full attention to me. She places her hand on the table, laying it on top of mine. I freeze up, not knowing how to react.

"He's my boyfriend. Back the fück off.", Ashley says, through gritted teeth.

That was a big shock. I smirk.

Once we ordered, we talked, hugged, and we were both on our ways. This would hopefully be a common thing. I didn't want to be too clingy. It had to be the right time to tell him I love him.


Sorry it's short.
Anyways four hundred reads?!?? Already!!?? Thank you guys!!
Do you like how these chapters are? WhatALife_23 writes Ashley's POV, and I write Andy's? Tell us your opinions please! Thanks again for 400 reads!

Ashley's POV- WhatALife_23

Andy's POV- brendonsnudes

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