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||-Ashley's POV-||

I storm out of the room. I ran to the door roughly pulling it open. I walk to my car. I hear Andy calling my name but I drain his voice out. I take out my car keys and unlock the door. I hear thumping behind heading towards me.

I rush myself inside the car closing it on my way in. I stick the key in the ignition starting the car. As I drive off I look in the review mirror seeing Andy kicking at the dirt on the ground where I left him. I stare back at the road turning left. I need to get home.

I drive a little faster, desperately trying to get away. I throw my head back just for a second. The car was still driving fast, I lift up my head. I gasp. The light changed to red.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I mutter trying to stop the car.

The car stops just in time before it hits the back of the car in front of me.

All this stressing over Andy.

As I wait for the light to turn green, I fiddle with my fingers, deep in thought.

"Why Andy? Why do you do this to me?" I say, mostly to myself.

An image of Andy smiling wiggled it's way into my mind. He was adorable. I continue to drive home as the light turned green. I eventually make it to my house.

I park my car and head to my front door. I dig in my pocket for my keys. I walk through the door and shut it on my way in. I then walk to my fridge, opening it. I take out a large vodka bottle that I had from about a month ago.

I don't really drink too often.

I take the bottle anyway and close the fridge. I walk to my living room and sit down on my couch. I open up the bottle, shaking my head. My hands hold onto the bottle as I raise it to my lips. I let the liquid run down my throat as I shut my eyes. I sigh, taking yet another sip.

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