Chapter 6

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A/N: This one has actually been done for a while, but one of my betas (I'm really picky about my work and usually have 3) had to drop out, so I've been a little nervous about posting. The next one is mostly done too, so hopefully I'll have that up soon! I'll try not to let any more bad days getting in my way, but maybe I can get some comments to cheer me up?



Gilbert wasn't sure how he was supposed to face his brother today. The evidence that he had cried was plastered all across his face, and he knew for a fact that Ludwig had never seen him cry. Maybe they were both emotionally stunted that way.

He could start by washing his face, at least. He still had two hours, and as long as he didn't cry again, he would probably be fine. He still felt pretty pathetic though. He couldn't even blame anyone else. It's not like anyone had made him fall for some gorgeous asshole who couldn't see past something that wasn't even his choice.

Trying to think of a way to put the blame on Lovino didn't really help either. He still liked him far too much to even think badly of him. He could practically hear Francis in his mind, telling him that he was obviously in love with the temperamental brunet.

"Thanks, Franny. That's really the pep talk I needed," he grumbled sulkily at his reflection. Fuck, he looked like hell. Maybe he could just blame it on a late night of gaming. Even if Ludwig didn't believe him, he wouldn't push, and he doubted Feliciano would see through the excuse.

He spent those next couple hours eating, watching TV, and fiddling with his appearance. Feliciano's brother might turn out to be a jerk who hated him as much as he hated Ludwig, but he still wanted to make at least a decent first impression. Was that too much to ask? After all, with his run of bad luck lately, wasn't he due something decent? He was almost relieved when it was finally time to go, because that at least meant he wouldn't have to worry too much longer.

Feliciano and Ludwig were already waiting at a table, and Feliciano waved enthusiastically as he saw Gilbert approaching. The smile that spread across Gilbert's face in response came easier than he'd expected it to. He broke into a jog and slid into the empty seat next to his brother. That left the spot between him and Feliciano for that latter's younger brother, whenever he showed up. Feliciano mentioned something about him having a habit of being late, which Gilbert nodded at as he scanned the menu a pretty blonde waitress handed him.

His water had just arrived when he spotted a familiar figure over his brother's shoulder. He froze, staring as the man approached.


The brunet hadn't noticed him yet, though he wore a scowl as he walked anyway. He moved closer and closer, but Gilbert still hadn't found it in himself to move. With every step Lovino took, a certainty formed in his mind and settled like a stone in the pit of his stomach.

Lovino had to be Feliciano's brother. Everything fit—everything Feliciano had said seemed to match with the little he knew about the man he loved hopelessly. Lovino had recently moved to the city, and he always seemed a little moody about something. He didn't know how he'd missed it, especially with the fact that they looked alike. They even had similar curls that sprang wildly from their otherwise tame hair. And now he knew why he recognized the little pasta trinket he'd packed up in Feliciano's apartment.

Ludwig noticed that something was wrong with Gilbert before Lovino was even close enough to hear them. He gave him a questioning look, but Gilbert just shook his head slightly. Ludwig let it go for now, though the older German knew that it wouldn't be forgotten.

Finally, Lovino was close enough to see Gilbert over Ludwig's shoulder. He froze as well, his gaze darting around the small group with the beginnings of panic. Gilbert sat back, trying to communicate through the simple gesture that he didn't intend to make things difficult for the older Italian. Apparently reassured, the brunet stepped closer and took the seat between him and Feliciano.

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