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Jade was always a curious spirit. She loved to move, run, dance, sing, yell. And she loved to do those thing in places she really shouldn't. Like at a library when she was 7, during reading time. Her older brother, Jake who was 11 at the time, had left her in a group of kids that were listening to a librarian read. Jade thought the story was so interesting that she started mouthing the words and spinning around, pretending she was in the book. That would've been very acceptable if she hadn't started to shout orders and bop kids on the head with a "wand", which was actually a stick she had brought in from outside.

To say the least, her and Jake were kicked out. But one kid there did end up following them out, and that was John Egbert. John was also quite the silly and rambunctious one, always pulling pranks and being loud, but is quite when told to, so he listens to directions well.
He told Jade he "likes her style." And they happily chatted away before Johns dad ran outside, looking like he almost had a heart attack. He told John h was looking for him forever, but John didn't care, all he wanted to do was make his father meet his new friends!
After some talking and his dad finding out they walked all the way here, his father graciously let them ride home with John and him. While Jade was ecstatic, Jake was more reluctant, remembering the constant words from school, stranger danger.
He ended up riding home with them anyway, seeing as he could not get Jade out of the car, but once Johns dad dropped them off, he was happy that he chose to go. Seeing as it is a 20 minute walk and it walk already almost dark. He thanks the two of them before walking Jade inside, who was quick to tell their old grandpa about today's events.

Once John got home, he quickly logged into the family computer and messaged his friend on a cool website called pester chum, talking about who he had met today and how cool she was, and that he also got her pester chum too! Sadly, Jade wasn't on the computer a lot, but once school started, Jade was able to meet John again, and a very weird girl. The girl had nice short hair with a black headband keeping it in place, and black lipstick. Jade found her a little weird, so for the first day she kept away from her. But on the second day of school, she heard people bullying the apparent rose for how she looks, and Jade stomped over. Being the tallest kid there had some perks, seeing as she barley got over there before the 3 dumb boys were gone, leaving just her and rose.

She apologized for being so weird, and Rose happily accepted the apology, and an amazing friendship had began with the three outcasts.
Rose, she was outcasted for the way she looked.
John, he was outcasted for the way his teeth looked, and how loud and annoying he was.
And Jade was outcasted for how she didn't know how to keep quite, and the way she never listened to others.
But they all loved each other for their differences.

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