Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning and roll over to check my phone. I frown when I realize that it isn't on the table next to my bed like it usually is. Now that I think about it, I don't remember putting it there last night.

Where is it? I begin to panic because my phone is like my baby. I'm not on it all the time, but I freak out whenever I don't know where it is.

I immediately jump out of bed and pull a sweatshirt on before rummaging around my room. I check my purse even though I usually keep my phone in my back pocket. It's not there.

My bare feet hurry down the hallway, checking in the kitchen as I scurry past. I enter the living room, and Jessica is passed out on the couch in her dress and shoes from last night. I smile at her for a second and pull a blanket over her before quietly continuing my search of the room.

What if I dropped it on the way up here last night? Last night. Ugh...I'm not prepared to think about the strange events of last night. I unlock the front door, ready to head down to the front of the building when something catches my eyes on the ground.

My phone.

It's laying in front of the door, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I pick it up and see that I have a new text message from an unknown number. I slide my finger across the screen to read it.

Unknown- You left this in my car. You're welcome. I'll see you tonight. –Harry

Seriously? I had to go and leave my phone in his car. I had to give him the satisfaction of being able to return it. Now I have his number, which means that he has mine. On top of all that, he says he'll see me tonight. What the hell does that mean?

As if I'm not confused enough about last night's kiss, now he wants to see me again. What if I don't want to see him? I don't like that he thinks he can just demand things and they'll happen. I lock my phone in frustration and turn back into the apartment.

When I do, Jessica is standing in front of me. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are puffy and tired.

"Hey." I say quietly with a smile.

"Why are you out here?" She asks with a slight attitude.

"It's a long story. Why don't we go get you cleaned up?" I say as I usher her into her bedroom and help her get changed and fixed up.

Normally I would complain about having to do this for her, but at this point, I'll do anything to get Harry off my mind.


Thankfully, Jessica didn't ask any questions about my night. I got her all cleaned up and then she went back to bed to sleep off the hangover.

I decide to take this opportunity to have some time to myself. I take a shower and slip into some yoga pants and a t-shirt. I walk into the kitchen and make myself a snack and some hot chocolate. The TV is calling my name, so I plop down on the couch and flip through the channels watching whatever I feel like watching.

After about two hours of aimless flipping, my phone vibrates on the table. I reach for it and check to see who it is.

Unknown- I'll be at your place in an hour. Wear something nice. –Harry

Why is he so persistent about seeing me tonight? I don't have any desire to hang out with him. Do I? No, I don't. He kissed me, and it was...strange...I think, and now he wants to see me again. And he wants me to wear something nice. What does that even mean?

I decide not to text him back, and I put my phone back on the table before returning my attention to the TV. Time goes by, and I feel my eyes starting to get tired.

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