Chapter 8

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I sit at the front counter of the animal shelter waiting for something...anything to happen. It's been a really slow day, which is not good for me because I've been trying to clear my head.

My past few times with Harry have been...strange. But when it's all over, he leaves me feeling like I'm missing something. I don't really know what it is, but I've been trying really hard not to think about it over the past few days.

"Hey, Bella, heads up!" Logan yells, and I quickly snap my head up to catch the ball that he threw to me. This is the new thing that he and I do when it's slow. He finds some type of fetch toy from the shelf, and we pass it back and forth until there's a reason for us to stop.

Usually that reason would be if the manager comes in because we haven't had too many customers lately.

"Nice catch." He says with a smile. I have to admit that I surprised myself with that catch too.

"Thanks." I smirk before tossing it back to him. He spins around and catches it behind his back, and I laugh, shaking my head at him.

"Did you see that?" He asks me, pretty proud of himself.

"I did. That was very nice." I clap my hands for him.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" He asks, tossing the ball back.

I catch it and throw it back. "Um, I was planning on going home and sleeping. You know, the usual." I tease, and he laughs. "Why? What are you doing?"

"Well, there's this fight next door..." He starts, but I cut him off.

"Wait, what?" I ask in confusion. What does he mean there's a fight next door?

"The building next's a gym...they have matches, like boxing." Logan tells me like it's obvious. Okay, that does make a lot more sense than whatever I was thinking. "Anyway, I've been before, and it's a pretty good time."

He stops talking, and I just nod awkwardly as I catch the ball again.

"I was kind of wondering if you wanted to come with me." He finally adds, and even though I was kind of expecting the conversation to head this way, I don't have a response prepared.

"I don't know. I've never really watched...that kind of thing before." I say awkwardly.

"I mean, it's not that hard to catch on to." He says, catching the ball and placing it back on the shelf. "I think you could handle it." He smiles as he walks over to me.

Well, I could go home and do nothing, or go have some fun with Logan. He seems like a nice guy, and we work together like literally every day. What do I have to lose?

"Sure. I'd love to come." I say, and his smile grows.

"Awesome. We can lock up in like twenty minutes and then head over there." He says, and I nod.

I had no idea that the warehouse next door to this building was a gym. I also didn't know that Logan was the kind of guy to go watch a fight between two other guys. But hey, you learn something new every day.


I pull my jacket on as Logan locks up the back door. He comes out and turns all of the lights off before we walk out of the shelter. I follow him down the sidewalk to the gym, and when we get there, I hear loud music coming from inside.

Logan opens the door for me, and I step inside. If I didn't know that this place was a regular gym, I wouldn't think it was. There are people everywhere, and the music is so loud. There are lights flashing, and everyone is funneling down a narrow hallway to the main arena.

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