Chapter 1

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Summer passed by fast now it's time for school! Also known as seven crappy hours of our life. Dropping out is always an option. But not for you nor your parents. Being late on the first day would be terrible! So here's an idea, maybe we should move on from this boring narration and onto the story!

Beep Beep Beep.

The alarm sounds you grab the pillow and place it over your face. Maybe suffocating would be the solution here? You drag yourself out of bed and lumber downstairs. Just like a normal human being you pour the cereal into the first bowl you find and add milk afterwards. You quickly eat the cereal and wait for your brother to get out of the bathroom. Being an only child or having a younger sibling would be way better than him! He's a pain in the ass even though you support him all the freaking time! But he's barely home now so it doesn't matter. This place is only a hotel where his parents are the bank. That bank is broken though, it can only withdraw.

Once you were done doing everything you should be doing in the morning, you sit down on the couch because you still have time left. Like who would want to arrive to school early? You wonder about the high school life that awaits you. Will you get a boyfriend? Chances are low. Will you get into drugs? Definitely not! Maybe you will see some people you recognize. Just thinking about it makes you nervous. You definitely do not want to those people! You suddenly snap back to real life and dart out of your house not wanting to walk out with your brother.

      You arrive at the school, however the doors were not opened yet so it was pretty crowded outside. Not wanting to be part of that crowd you decide to explore.

Your P.O.V

I walk around and end up in the school park. This is probably where we will be able to eat lunch. I sat down on the first bench I spotted and sighed. I closed my eyes for what seemed a moment before my thoughts were disturbed.

"Ugh it's you..." a familiar voice said. I know that voice. My heart raced faster. I started feeling sick to the stomach, I didn't want to be here anymore so automatically I ran. I might have forgotten my dignity back there but I don't care.

I was back at the entrance completely out of breath. People looked at me like I was crazy however I could care less. But before I can get myself together the school doors open. I'm just going to forget about this. Hopefully.

The first day of school is over and I couldn't stop thinking about him. There is a cafe near here so I decide to go visit it. Maybe some coffee will make me feel better. I enter the cafe which is right beside the school, but it's way too crowded. However that wasn't my problem when I saw that person. I quickly turn around but before I was able to walk out I bumped into a person.

"Oh crap, sorry!" I quickly looked up at the girl. The girl smiled and replied, "it's fine." My body froze as I stared into her green eyes. Her eyes are so mesmerizing that I couldn't look away. The girl pokes my forehead, "you okay?" I quickly looked away and nodded. "Well, I have to go! Hopefully I see you around." She winks at me before she disappears into the crowd. Then I realized what I was doing before so I quickly leave the cafe.

The trip home was boring. I should get used to it. I'm not getting friends anytime soon if this keeps up. I pull out my phone and text my "friends" from my old school asking how their first day at school was. Surprisingly I got an immediate response from Gisselle.

Gisselle: It wasn't the best...

Me: Same...what happened?

Gisselle: Well I tried to make some friends but...let's say that it didn't work too well. Hbu?

Me: Ben is in my school. :((


Me: Well I guess the good thing was that I bumped into a cute girl xD

Gisselle: I still think you're gay btw

Me: I'm not and I can't! I would get murdered if I was gay. You know this...and you know why!

Gisselle: Right...well I gotta go ttyl!

Me: Bye!

A.N- If there are any mistakes please forgive me I don't really have a lot of spare time especially since exams are coming up :( Also "Ben" represents a guy I know in real life and HE IS SO DIFFICULT UGH!! But anyway hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1 ;)

P.S. I'm sorry that this is so short I'll try to make it longer next time...

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